Ive spoken to Gav who currently has these 70's on his 5.2kc. He has achieved around 31kts WOT with a 15k prop (15 pitch) as compared to 28kts with the 60's.
He states that the cruise speed/revs 4800rpm =23kts are the same as the f 60's but holds revs better through the swells than the 60's so they do obviously have more torque than the 60's.
So basically to get the extra speed revving the 70's to 6300rpm alows the extra 3 kts of speed compared to the 60's.
He has a set of 16 pitch props ordered from the states so will be interesting to see how they perform. These 16's will bring the revs down say for example 4500rpm = 23kts = more top speed.
The interesting part will be to see if the 70's have the grunt to still rev to 6300 with the 16's as i know the 60's wouldnt have a chance of working they would be terrible with 16's.
The 70's are louder than the f 60's alot more induction noise apparantly.
I havent gone any further into testing them on mine as yet i will let Gav do the hard yards 1st i think.
The motors going onto mine are believed to be Long shaft not XL i have to find out for sure otherwise it would be a waste of time..
Cheers, Deano..