Tickleish, about 12 months ago I retired an old 60hp Evinrude and replaced it with a 90hp M90 (carbied 3cyl 2-stroke) Tohatsu. I must admit I anguished about the extra weight over the old outboard (as stern/transom freeboard was an issue for my boat), however the extra weight makes negligible difference to the way my boat handles. In fact as the boat has half again as much Hp than before and I can actually trim the boat properly now (as the old Evinrude was a power tilt only set-up, not trimable except for a static setting) I am finding that with a 17 inch SS Vengeance prop my overall fuel consumption is quite comparable to the old outboard..... apart from the times when I just can't help myself when I find some smooth open water....
The only dowside that I feel is that the idle is a little lumpy when compared to a DI 2 stroke or a carbied/injected 4 stroke, however that isn't really an issue that really annoys me much.
Servicing has been reasonable cost effective, around $75 for the first service at 10 hours and about $120 for the first annual. I have only had one issue with a trim solenoid which ended-up being a bit sticky and needed a bit of use is all.
I'm very happy with mine.