Nice find! I am going to go against the flow and say to make it exactly as you please, don't stand on tradition leave that to those blokes who have the cash to hand the boat over to someone then get it back like new.
You will find that hull does have a buoyancy problem at the rear compared to modern wide bodied/variable deadrise hulls (variable deadrise is how they pull the wide body's off). That hull is fine for 1 bloke to be in corner but when gaffing and when 2 in tight in choppy conditions it can be unsettling.
if it where my hull I would without doubt fit a half or even 3/4 pod that is also a hull extension...a well designed one would turn the hull into a real weapon...the length to width ratio would be even better and then there is the buoyancy and extra room available.
I would also consider (only of a pod is added) making the CC a rear CC, can be a little wetter but a person gets home from a day on the water in very fine shape.....on the body the boat feels like riding a cushion much like a boat double the length.
Good hull and i look forward to updates.
Here is one I did earlier, bertram 18 hull type...never finished it I changed long term plans because as luck would have at the time it fuel started it's crazy rise in price before I got it 2/3 done.,p,28,00.html