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northpine access fishing boating permits
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Thread: northpine access fishing boating permits

  1. #1

    northpine access fishing boating permits

    G day ladies and gents
    There is still a few unsold permits for boating on northpine managed by the PRFMA
    pine rivers fish stocking autority
    This is a great peacefull lake to fish on or just paddle about
    The permit gains access to the northpine reach of the lake about 4klms of water up and down from the boat ramp which is only accesable to permit holders
    No internal combustion motors are permitted so its electric sail or paddle only
    A nice change to fish on calm waters without the ski element
    The lake contains Bass Yelowbelly the odd cod and some saratoga along with redclaw crayfish
    The scheme has been running now for a few years (Waterlevel permitting)
    and has been run very well with only a few conditions of entry to be agread to
    Coming up to winter the winds drop of for a few months and it is definatelly my favered time on the lake cool mornings warm days and some unbelievable fishing at times
    PRFMA can be contacted on this link or
    If your after a quiet peacefull place to fish Grab a permit its a special place

    Glenn Riley at Northside Marine is also holdinga freshwater information night on the 23 june at nothside marine at boondall Tim Morgan will be one of a few to inform us on how to improve our skills And how to use your sounder better and how to set up a electric motor system A sausage sizzle and a raffle are also on the cards Contact Glenn on 32658040 or 0414227158 or for further details an to secure a seat bookings are essential.
    Thanks Tim

  2. #2

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    I have a 90 etec on my boat. Am I able to put a bag over the leg? or is it no combustion motors at all?

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Obi _ Wan's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    Steve, you are not allowed to have a combustion motor of any description on the vessel, electric only.


  4. #4

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    Thanks John. Thats a bummer hey. May have to get a yak.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Obi _ Wan's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    Steve, there's a number of the blokes have yaks and canoes but most have a tinnie around the twelve foot mark with just an electric on it, it's just a bit more comfortable.

    See you at Mondy at the end of the month.



  6. #6

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    The yaks are great Steve.
    We can take mine up to Mondy if you want to give it a go and towed around by a pond donkey!
    Cheers and thanks.

    "Tackle Whore on a budget..."
    Gonzo II – Brooker 4.5m 40hp Yam & Outlaw Kayak
    Fish Well, Fish Egrell

  7. #7

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    Quote Originally Posted by LostNearBribie View Post
    The yaks are great Steve.
    We can take mine up to Mondy if you want to give it a go and towed around by a pond donkey!

    seen that one done red funny as to watch a yak being towed around the main basin


  8. #8

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    Quote Originally Posted by LostNearBribie View Post
    The yaks are great Steve.
    We can take mine up to Mondy if you want to give it a go and towed around by a pond donkey!
    Not a bad idea Red. Just have to see if we can fit it on hey. Now if I can only get it to stay upright
    Wonder how it will go at 60kph

  9. #9

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    Quote Originally Posted by Obi _ Wan View Post
    Steve, there's a number of the blokes have yaks and canoes but most have a tinnie around the twelve foot mark with just an electric on it, it's just a bit more comfortable.

    See you at Mondy at the end of the month.


    Thanks John,
    I just dont have room for a tinny in the shed... but I think I may be able to con the boss that a yak may just squeeze in there Saw a nice one at Charltons a few weeks ago with a Min Kota electric built in to it.

  10. #10

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    Can anyone answer this!

    How come you can have a powered vessel i.e. petrol driven that is allowed on Somerset, which also feeds into Wivenhoe and yet Wivenhoe its banned except for authorised vessels, sail or electric powered vessels.

    The argument that Wivenhoe is used for drinking does not hold with me as Somerset tops up Wivenhoe considering powered vessels are ok .

    Whats so special about North Pine Dam that powered vessels are banned, similar to that of Wivenhoe?

    I'm not being a smart arse, just would like to know the rationale behind this considering its deemed not a problem with Somerset.
    Cheers, Peter

  11. #11

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    That drinking water is pumped out below the Mt Crosby treatment plant about 80km downstream from Wivenhoe, and you can use a outboard in the river between the two so that makes even less sense.

    I'd like to see outboards on Wivenhoe, but for mine electric at Nth Pine is ok atm, a bigger area and a couple more launch points would be better though. Being so close to Brizzy I'd be affraid Nth Pine would turn into a meat-market if it was if it was open slather, even if it was under 40 or 60hp only.

    I'm not sure of all the reasons behind the different rules at different dams but I recon Fitzy or Dale (AussieBasser) would have the good oil.

    If anyone is thinking about picking up a boat permit for Nth Pine I can recommend it, I had a great day out there recently trolling up a dozen bass from 38 to 47cm. A few mates have been getting stuck into the redclaw as well.
    Mike D

  12. #12

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    Gday Peter/ bondy 99
    The agreement that was made with the governing body who controlls the lake was made with a few guidlines the bigest was respect for residents that suround the lake and noise controll
    The gate access times are also put in place for the same purpose
    And it works very well which is really good for all concerned
    Everyone who boats on the lake The sailing club or the PRFMA acess all follow similar rules
    I dont think that petrol powered craft will ever be allowed on and thats not all bad its not just about water quality but this is also respected
    The rules in place for wivenhoe are for similar reasons
    I enjoy the relaxed boating on northpine and wivenhoe without the water hoons like somerset atracts
    Anyone who fishes somerset has to agree that fishing in a washing machine is no fun and can get unrully a lot of the time
    There is no boat size restictions like the first year as long as it can reliably navagate on battery power or paddle
    If you have elctric motor propultion on your boat its not that hard to change most boats to get access to dedicated electric lakes.
    Hope this clears things up a bit for you Peter
    Cheers Tim

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Apr 2006

    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    Government policy decisions aside, the serenity at Lake Samsonvale is kinda nice though. No Skeeters blasting through at 80 kph, or drucken yobbos yelling abuse or turning the place into a garbage tip with broken glass everywhere. It's somewhere you could take your missus and kids without getting into trouble and that isn't a bad thing for my mind.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: northpine access fishing boating permits

    Wivenhoe is also great..peace and quiet..leave the ski yobs on Somerset and leave Wivenhoe just the way it is.

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