Skipper, you have given me a great idea. I start posting fictitious reports about the Barwons and take all the pressure off my grounds off Moreton:rolleyes: .
If you think a few reports are going to make any significant change in the number of fishos hitting your particular spots then think again. People fish areas that they can easily access. The improvement in the roads is the biggest reason for areas like 1770 being more popular. If you give away your particular spot then its your own fault but I am happy to give info to help another rec fisho get a feed and enjoy fishing as a pastime.
I don't think this has anything to do with a rec v pro arguement. It seems more like an indevidual who thinks they own a section of water when in reality its all shared ground where we chase a commonly owned resource and as long as a little common courtesy is shown I have no issue with it