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Fishing Redland Bay Area
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Thread: Fishing Redland Bay Area

  1. #1

    Fishing Redland Bay Area

    Hello! Tonight I am gate-crashing the boys' fishing/camping trip, and they're heading out to some island which is near Russell, and we will be boat fishing.

    Just hoping that someone who's been fishing around this area lately can tell me what sort of thing I could catch, and what sort of bait will be best, because I'll be damned if the menfolk will outfish me! :grin:

    Thank you in advance!

    ETA. Whoops, posted this in the wrong forum! Would appreciate if a mod could move to 'Saltwater Chat' for me please. Apologies for not yet having woken up.
    Pobbs > 28. Strictly recreational fisher.
    Mr Chicken > 3 in Janaury! Likes to reel the line in, fish on the end or not.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member gr hilly's Avatar
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    Jun 2009
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    Re: Fishing Redland Bay Area

    get some fresh prawns and good quality pillies use the pillies cut in half on a 2x2.o hook set up you should get a feed of flathead.


  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Axl's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Fishing Redland Bay Area

    Fresh whole squid is the go you never know what will hit it around that area.
    Cheers Axl

  4. #4

    Re: Fishing Redland Bay Area

    Thanks fellas!

    Well, I'm happy to report that I outfished the menfolk, even though I only caught two fish during Sunday's session.

    I put a pink and green beads on my line on Sunday and caught bream.

    Had many a giggle at mate who was using his castnet, and catching happy moments, and picking them up and handling them, getting spiked.

    Squid was generating some interest, prawns were not.
    Pobbs > 28. Strictly recreational fisher.
    Mr Chicken > 3 in Janaury! Likes to reel the line in, fish on the end or not.

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