g,day all any tipps on the best maps(charts)to cover Peal to Moreton all my maps are to old now
cheers hilly
g,day all any tipps on the best maps(charts)to cover Peal to Moreton all my maps are to old now
cheers hilly
don't know about there exactly, but with al the modern cosmetic trends, maps of Tasmania are getting scarce now! sorry, I guess I must be in one of those "moods" today, but most Marine shops should have them, or will at least order one for you.
GO to bias mate they'll be able to sort u out with the right charts
i will go to bias i want a new boat cover thanks ugly
cheers hilly
Just check the issue date hilly.
Ring first to see what brand it is and then see if that is the latest version.
I intend on living for-ever....so far so good
thats a good idea finga i wonder what the latest dates are on new maps.
you can order these from QLD Govt, Full topo, they are not water proof tho.
While I'm boating in Moreton Bay, does having a copy of the Beacon to Beacon on board mean that I am compliant with the MSQ requirement to have a chart of the waters in which I'm travelling. I tend to use a combination of my local knowledge, the beacon to beacon and my GPS plotter. I know that the local knowledge does not comply with the legislation and neither does the GPS but I think the beacon to beacon should.
1995 Model
SeaJay 4.3M
40HP Yamaha
honda 900 208 map or chart is no good they dont show the new zoning lines but thanks any way,hilly
No mate, those Beacon to Beacon area guide only, you'll need the offical navigational charts AUS Chart ***** that covesr the region.
This is hypothetical and has happened to someone I know
If something happens to you or your vessel and at the end of the day the matter goes to court, the question will be raised "Did you have at the time the official Australian Marine Navigation Chart blah blah blah, if you say yes, then insurance companies and the law cant get you but if you say no you didnt only relied on beacon to beacon and your GPS unit...you'll go for a row ofd tents, both from the insurance company and the law..
The scenario above was told to us (Coxswains class) by an ex commonwealth fisheries inspector who was a marine teacher teaching mariine courses to Master Class 4 and possibly Class 3.
hope this might make some sense to you and others who only rely upon beacon to beacon and GPS alone.