One thing that stops my buying a bigger boat is that the big boats have big tandem trailers that would be pretty well impossible for me to back into the boat spot beside my house. This is because backing it has to be done around a bend from the front gate through a tightish turning circle.
I have just discovered that that should now be less of a concern to me because there are technology answers to that problem. Have a look at the video on this website ...
What a beauty! :cool:
It turns out that there are lots of powered dollies that can be used to push a boat into a tight space.
When you Google these things, you find heaps of suppliers in the USA and even some plans for homemade versions. I never knew of them - I always thought that a gutsy lawn tractor might be the answer but these things look pretty good.
Gee whizz! Nothing is impossible! :smiley: