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Powered jockey wheels and dollies
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Thread: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

  1. #1

    Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    One thing that stops my buying a bigger boat is that the big boats have big tandem trailers that would be pretty well impossible for me to back into the boat spot beside my house. This is because backing it has to be done around a bend from the front gate through a tightish turning circle.

    I have just discovered that that should now be less of a concern to me because there are technology answers to that problem. Have a look at the video on this website ...

    What a beauty! :cool:

    It turns out that there are lots of powered dollies that can be used to push a boat into a tight space.

    When you Google these things, you find heaps of suppliers in the USA and even some plans for homemade versions. I never knew of them - I always thought that a gutsy lawn tractor might be the answer but these things look pretty good.

    Gee whizz! Nothing is impossible! :smiley:


  2. #2

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    most of them are very good, but some are useless on anything but concrete, on grass they just don't have traction, a tow ball on the front of your car is a good thing for tight corners (as long as it is practical to fit one of course)

  3. #3

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    I used to have something like this when I worked.
    It would be perfect for the HUGE boat Bruce. No traction problems :cheesy:
    Mine was a bit smaller and could fit in a 7x4 trailer.
    Just take the digging chain off and weld a towball on the end of the boom and hey Presto :smiley:
    I intend on living far so good

  4. #4

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    There was one for sale in the classifieds not long ago.

  5. #5

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    I used to have something like this when I worked.

    Well, the noise of that thing would sure keep the neighbours on their toes in the mornings. Heheheh!

    When I look at the video, I keep worrying that the bloke is going to put his foot under the tracks. :grin:


  6. #6
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    Gold Coast

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    My neighbour has one and gave me a demo when he moved his tandem 24 or 26 ft van ie through his front gate and then thru 90 degrees and up a pair of ramps ie to make his sloping concreted yard level.

    He has the solid ground wheel version and its pretty useless on grass and apparently the rough ground / grass one is not too good on concrete with a heavy van.

    To get the van around thru 90 degrees involved a number of short pulls with the unit disconnected after the van dolly wheel was engaged and then the process was repeated about 4 time I think to move it to the required position.

    They cannot move tandem (vans anyway) except in almost straightish lines but this one ($2,500s worth) did what it does pretty well. It would be better with a lighter boat no doubt. Probably the off road road / concrete tyre version would be better for boats moving across some concrete and some lawn, I think.

    What could go wrong.......................

  7. #7

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    Mate has a old 5hp briggs or was 3.5hp villiers on a rotary hoe , old steel gearbox from a v belt and a low range via a larger pulley. Have a look on eprey as they are tough and a lot of people have lost tynes etc so they are no longer any use as a hoe so they are spare parts value . Works a treat with ag tyres and a tractor weight on it along with wheel weights it already had . You still have to be quick with the electric brakes as 3t gets speed up fast but with towball weight over drive wheels it doesn't slip!! Cheap and no maintainance

  8. #8

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    Quote Originally Posted by charleville View Post
    Well, the noise of that thing would sure keep the neighbours on their toes in the mornings. Heheheh!

    When I look at the video, I keep worrying that the bloke is going to put his foot under the tracks. :grin:

    Mine was a lot newer and very quite.
    The hydraulics were great because you could select the speed you wanted and you could (in this case) raise the front of the boat up for draining/drying after cleaning.
    It would turn on it self too but that would rip the lawn to shreds.

    I initially brought it to plant a heap on trees on the old farm. It was brilliant for that :smiley:
    I intend on living far so good

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    If your tight for space and it's limiting you buying a larger boat. Then there is only 1 clear solution.

    Move house

  10. #10

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    Quote Originally Posted by Flex View Post
    If your tight for space and it's limiting you buying a larger boat. Then there is only 1 clear solution.

    Move house

    Thank you for your really useful suggestion. :rolleyes:

    I cannot move my house because it is bolted down. :grin:


  11. #11

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    Quote Originally Posted by charleville View Post
    I cannot move my house because it is bolted down. :grin:
    Would you like a lend of a 12" shifter??
    I might even be able to find a socket if that's any better.

    Just move it to the ramp carpark and jobs done. No parking problems and no rates.

    You have to think outside the square.
    I intend on living far so good

  12. #12

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    Would you like a lend of a 12" shifter??
    I might even be able to find a socket if that's any better.

    I have a 12" shifter and a good socket set, thanks. :tongue:

    It is just that it is so heavy and my arms are not big enough to hold it.



  13. #13

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    I actually have one, its made here in aus in wa, called an aussie wheel i have the AW2. pulls my 5.2m plate boat around on the grass very well, its the only way i can get my boat around the side of my house. was around $2000, alot of $$ at the time but cant do with out it now and it saves my back so witwas money well spent


  14. #14

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    Thanks Live4Fishin.

    What is it like on a slope, please?


  15. #15

    Re: Powered jockey wheels and dollies

    I saw a vid recently of a caravan with a set up on it where the van was parked with a remote control. It had drive set ups on the van wheels. Proberly would not like being dunked in salt water though

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