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Thread: knot for lure

  1. #1

    knot for lure

    have started to use the perfection loop to tie my lures
    but just wanted a opinion on how long should the loop be ?????

  2. #2

    Re: knot for lure

    Just enough to have a loose connection to get max action out of your lures if the loop is to long your lures will get hooked up in the loop.

    I am not an Angler I am an Athlete of the sea.............<><

  3. #3

    Re: knot for lure

    I use a version of the non-slip loop knot, for want of a better name.

    I keep the loop quit small & tight - maybe 1cm round or thereabouts.

    If you make the loop too big it will become elongated and close flat on the retrieve or troll. Thus it will lose its intended effect.

    In my experience, what its 'supposed' to do is enable the lure to display a more pronounced natural swimming action by allowing its connection to sway freely to & fro within the open loop.

    The loop will more likely keep its shape if it is small, otherwise it'll just close up and end up resembling a fixed tow point.

    Does that make sense or does it sound a bit loopy?
    "...a voice in my head keeps telling me to go fishing..."

  4. #4

    Re: knot for lure

    Quote Originally Posted by PNG1M View Post
    I use a version of the non-slip loop knot, for want of a better name.

    I keep the loop quit small & tight - maybe 1cm round or thereabouts.

    If you make the loop too big it will become elongated and close flat on the retrieve or troll. Thus it will lose its intended effect.

    In my experience, what its 'supposed' to do is enable the lure to display a more pronounced natural swimming action by allowing its connection to sway freely to & fro within the open loop.

    The loop will more likely keep its shape if it is small, otherwise it'll just close up and end up resembling a fixed tow point.

    Does that make sense or does it sound a bit loopy?
    roger that PNG1M !!!
    I understand exactly what you are saying.........maybe I'm a bit loopy then:grin:

    FISHING IS NOT A HOBBY...................IT'S AN OBSESSION!!

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