hi, not sure where to post this but was wondering if anyone could fill me in on the nsw state governments proposed tinny tax?
hi, not sure where to post this but was wondering if anyone could fill me in on the nsw state governments proposed tinny tax?
i hope your not talking about beer!!!!
...of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy. ~William Sherwood Fox.
From the SMH 16th may:
The NSW Government has been accused of a cash grab over a new tax on all boat users to fund marine rescue services that don't cover large areas of the state.
Boat owners are furious that all 450,000 NSW licence holders will be hit with the levy regardless of whether they use coastal waterways covered by the newly formed Marine Rescue NSW or inland waterways such as the Murray and Nepean rivers and Snowy Mountains dams that have no volunteer rescue services.
Boat licences will rise from $43 to $50.50 a year as a result of the levy and registering ''tinnies'' - boats shorter than six metres, which make up 92 per cent of all water craft in NSW - will rise from $92 to $99.50 if the plan by Ports Minister Paul McLeay is adopted.
The new charges will raise more than $6 million a year in extra revenue for NSW Treasury. The Boat Owners' Association of NSW (BOA) is concerned that not all of the money will fund rescue operations.
Marine Rescue and its 2500 members currently survive on $1.4 million in funding from the state government.
BOA president Michael Chapman said boat owners should not be forced to pay extra until Marine Rescue NSW has had its membership and operating model brought up to the standard of successful organisations such as the Surf Lifesaving Service or the Rural Fire Service.
Marine Rescue, which is the amalgamation of three volunteer rescue services, has an ageing membership and few plans to transform itself.
''The model [for the levy] is based on false premises, it hasn't been well thought out. It's like the state government taking over NRMA but only serving vehicles in coastal areas,'' Mr Chapman said. ''It's too early, there's no transparency and no accountability. There's only one reason it's being pushed through so early: money.''
Cardiff resident George Hopkins, who fishes from his 3.6-metre tinny on Lake Macquarie every weekend, said the new levy was more ''money grubbing'' by the state government.
''In my experience, if there's any trouble the MSB will give you a tow. This is just another tax right when electricity and everything else is going up,'' he said.
Nationals Leader Andrew Stoner said boaties should make their voices heard.
''Whether it's the monstrous tax on car registrations, the sneaky new tax on home buyers or the skyrocketing power prices, people are sick of having to foot the bill for state Labor's failures,'' Mr Stoner said.
...of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy. ~William Sherwood Fox.
Not much to worry about i don't think,unless hell freezes over some time soon they will all be looking for new jobs as far as the N.S.W state Labor Govt goes.
Not that the seldom seen Barry whats he look like has done anything to inspire people either.
no benny kenny tinny boats.
Typical labor government, don't fund the organisations then ask the general public ie boaties to fund this.
What about boaties who don't use the facilities, ie western anglers and estuary anglers who don't go to sea.
Not complaining about the work the Marine Rescue do, however a tax is a tax by the government, just under a different guise.
Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.
I think there is a fair bit of media hype there.
Boat registrations in NSW are on a sliding scale.
They start at $48 for up to 3m and then they charge $8.80 per 1/2 metre over the 3m.
So for my tiny tinny (3.7m) it would be $48+$8.80+$8.80 which is $65.60 for the initial registration.
The $92 would be for boats over 5m only. (still cheaper then QLD by a country mile I must say as the tiny tinny is $82 in QLD)
I was amased at the license fees though. That's a bit of a rort I reckon.
So do I get the boats registered in NSW and keep my license in QLD??
I intend on living for-ever....so far so good
Having NSW rego would certainly increase there value LOL
I'd say I have to disagree with the majooity here.
I think you are all whinghing about nothing.
Those fees are cheaper than Qld by a mile, almost only half for a 6m boat.
Somehow the VMR needs to be funded, just like your tax dollars pay for the SES. User pays works for me.
Those licence fee's are a bit steep
In South Oz you only pay for your licence the first time you get it and that's it for life :grin:
Our rego's went up sharply a couple of years ago though and even here the PWC owners get slugged hard
I think comparing the fees to other states and then saying it's ok because they are dearer loses sight of the issue a bit as does saying user pays is ok as a hell of a lot of users aren't going to be using what the tax is supposedly being raised for and thats IF it gets used for that purpose.
Those NSW registration fees are already higher than Victoria which charges $33.90 up to 4 metres with motor and $70.70 over 4 metres in length.
| Savage Kestral with Evinrude 9.9 --> Stacer 3.9 with Yamaha 15 --> Polycraft 4.55 CC with Honda 50 --> Ally Craft Reel Mate 4.25 with Yamaha 3 cylinder 30 horse --> Hmmm what next? |
The QLD rego prices are a rort alright, but at least we don't have to pay a yearly boat licence fee. (It's for life and it's on your car licence)
Check out my boat for sale in the classifieds
- 469 Stacer open Seahorse/Nomad
- 50hp 4 stroke tiller Mercury
- Heaps of extras, in top condition