Thanks, Mine in shallow / calm waters works fine as well, its deep water that breaks it.. Generally running across the bay in calm water its not a problem, offshore, at speed it falls appart.
not great footage but you will get the picture, look for the light brown colour (non existent), dark brown is the sounder filling in the gaps, only when you change over to the old lowrance colours do you get the real picture.
55mtrs, at 30kph
Same transducer, untouched with a furuno 585 v the HDS.. at speed the furuno kills it. at rest, it is a really interesting comparison. hds 50k furuno 200k.
I am yet to find one HDS owner with a single image of their boat at speed in over 50mtrs of water.
PS I have 2 transducers, both have been reviewed independently by "Quality / reputable" installers, both have come to the same conclusion, that transducer placement (both) are not an issue.