After countless trials I have finally got perfect picture on sounder at speed. Trany up trany down tranny forward tranny back ,Im sure alot have been through this. I could never keep bottom at speed verry hard to find cleen water from a 5mt tinne that does not sit verry deep. I managed to pic up a 1kw tranny on a fully movable bracket and fitted to my furuno 620. I know that I would not get the full advantage of the 1kw from the 620 but i was hoping that the increased surface area would help.
Well went out a couple of times this week and Managed to get about 25km/hr then would lose bottom, I even put in about 200 mm below hull, you should of seen the rooster tail. Went home and drilled some more holes and headed out again I got up to 45km/hr 100% perfect picture ,boat would not go any quicker had about a full boat load of gear. Im aiming for 50 +
I now just have to test this outside in some rougher conditions, not that i would be going at 50km when its rough .
I will try to get some pics if any one is interested.