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Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr
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Thread: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    After countless trials I have finally got perfect picture on sounder at speed. Trany up trany down tranny forward tranny back ,Im sure alot have been through this. I could never keep bottom at speed verry hard to find cleen water from a 5mt tinne that does not sit verry deep. I managed to pic up a 1kw tranny on a fully movable bracket and fitted to my furuno 620. I know that I would not get the full advantage of the 1kw from the 620 but i was hoping that the increased surface area would help.
    Well went out a couple of times this week and Managed to get about 25km/hr then would lose bottom, I even put in about 200 mm below hull, you should of seen the rooster tail. Went home and drilled some more holes and headed out again I got up to 45km/hr 100% perfect picture ,boat would not go any quicker had about a full boat load of gear. Im aiming for 50 +
    I now just have to test this outside in some rougher conditions, not that i would be going at 50km when its rough .
    I will try to get some pics if any one is interested.

  2. #2

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    Could you please tell me how you ended up with a good result? I have a HDS7 and i have mucked around with transducer and i have never been able to get a continuous reading when at speed. I have managed to figure out all the other tricks with this sounder if anyone has any questions

  3. #3

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    45km/hr is great in a tinny

    pics of how it sits would be great

    cheers Murf
    Last edited by murf; 18-05-2010 at 11:37 AM. Reason: spelling

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    thanks for sharing good as gold.... i am definately interested in some pics of how you did it and i am sure many other ausfisher's will be as well.

    how far below the hull line did it end up and what sort of spray are you getting now and those sort of speeds?

  5. #5

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    Sounds great buddy. Send over the pics of your setup!!!
    I'm keen to see the style of adjustable bracket you've used.

  6. #6

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    Here are some pics[ATTACH]sum[/ATTACH]

  7. #7

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    When I fitted the new transducer I reset all settings in sounder to default. I did not have to make any changes at all it even was good in auto but I prefer to run in manual on 200khz

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member marto78's Avatar
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    May 2009

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    Thats a fair angle you have that on mate I mite have to give that a go as the bottom of my hull looks very similar to yours. What brand of boat is that anyways?
    Thanks for the post Marto

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member Midnight's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    Gday Good as Gold,
    Have you got your 620 set on auto "fishing" or "cruising"?
    And what sort of gain can you run when you go to manual?

    Also, did you find the improvement in the readings through the increased angle of attack of the transducer or was it in the depth into the water flow?

    Cheers and well done on your setup,

  10. #10

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    G-day Myles

    I could run it on all fising and cruising and but prefered manual I think It was on about 5 - 7 gain .
    Re depth and angle adjusting the angle gave me a good pic but would lose bottom instantly at about 25 but when a mucked around with the depth it got perfect I could probaly back off the angle a bit but if its not broken dont fix it.
    If you look at one of the pics i would of prefered to move it a little closer to centre away from the chine but I would of had to do some plumbing work and fill more holes.

  11. #11

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    G-day Marto
    Same as yours aquamaster but the older 5m tila

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member marto78's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    Have you had a chance to try out the new tranny angle in a bit of the rough stuff yet? If so how does it read?
    Cheers Marto

  13. #13

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    Strike it lucky with the best transducer placement and the HDS units can read depth at any speed and a good bottom clarity up to about 60kph
    You can still see a reasonable sandy bottom at 72.4kph
    Attachment 60101

    62.8kph over a reef and it still shows a good bommie with bait fish hanging on it.

    Attachment 60102

    Approaching 90kph and it loses water clarity with noise but still reads hard and soft bottom

    Attachment 60103

    The HDS units get a fairly bad rap on the forum for not being able to work properly at speed, or next to no service from Lowrance, but I am lucky to have it set up OK with no problems. Fingers crossed for the future though

  14. #14

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    Got outside for a test and still got bottom at speed but still lost it every now and then due to rough conditions but it would pic it up pretty quick, would love to have a glass hull thats sitts in cleaner water though.

  15. #15

    Re: Perfect Sounder Reading At 45km/hr

    Quote Originally Posted by googarra View Post
    Strike it lucky with the best transducer placement and the HDS units can read depth at any speed and a good bottom clarity up to about 60kph

    The HDS units get a fairly bad rap on the forum for not being able to work properly at speed, or next to no service from Lowrance, but I am lucky to have it set up OK with no problems. Fingers crossed for the future though
    Googarra, what transducer are you using? Also, is it parallel with the bottom of the hull, or tilting down at the back?

    I have a HDS 8 with 83/200 transducer on my new Buefin Wrangler. So far, I'm unable to hold bottom above about 30 KPH. Very frustrating as my previous (much cheaper) sounder on old boat could hold bottom at WOT and about 48 KPH, but I had to tilt transducer down a bit to achieve this.

    I'm not too concerned at holding bottom at WOT in the new boat, but believe I should be able to do so at cruising speeds up to about 50 KPH.

    Further info on your set up would be appreciated to help sort out my set up.

    Norm C

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