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Herring Or Poddy Mullet
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Thread: Herring Or Poddy Mullet

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member melony's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Herring Or Poddy Mullet

    Hi Guys

    Just after some feed back on which is the most popular live bait used out of Yellowtail herring or Poddy Mullet, and how everyone is rigging them.

    i will kick off with my feedback i ussaly use yellowtail herring (easyest to catch in my area NSW no cast nets allowed :angry: ), i chase a lot of flatties, jew & trying to get a jack.
    Rigging them i use two styles 1 is a sliding snell the stinger works a treat, the other i use is single hook just above the bum seems to work well and keeps them swimming well. both rig's using a variety of circle hook sizes

    look forward to your feed back guys


  2. #2

    Re: Herring Or Poddy Mullet

    Gday mate for me poddy mullet win hands down stay on the hook better and stay alive longer in the live well.When i used to live in QLD fishing for jacks i would hook the mullet with a 4/0 or bigger just below the dorsal fin and this seemed very effective with the nasty little red critters.This way bait can still swim freely and hook is still nice and exposed.

    But thats only what i reckon mate everyone has a different method.
    Good luck

  3. #3

    Re: Herring Or Poddy Mullet

    ive only used poddy mullet a handful of times but for me ive had more success with herring.

    ive found it great for trevally, flatty, and big bream, but ive never caught a jack.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Luc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Herring Or Poddy Mullet

    Herring for fresh cut bait but live poddies for the best live bait.

    Besides which, poddies are much easier to remove from the cast net.


  5. #5

    Re: Herring Or Poddy Mullet

    poddy mullet, green back herring

  6. #6

    Re: Herring Or Poddy Mullet

    Herring for me. Never caught anything on a poddy (yet!)

    Conservation NOT preservation!

  7. #7

    Re: Herring Or Poddy Mullet

    Quote Originally Posted by HeadBanger View Post
    Herring for me. Never caught anything on a poddy (yet!)

    Poddys are fish lollys


  8. #8

    Re: Herring Or Poddy Mullet

    Poddy mullet for me hands down.......however, the herring has accounted for some quality fish over the years though.
    Both are an advantage over dead baits though IMHO.

    FISHING IS NOT A HOBBY...................IT'S AN OBSESSION!!

  9. #9

    Re: Herring Or Poddy Mullet

    Quote Originally Posted by Jurkyjj View Post
    Poddy mullet for me hands down.......however, the herring has accounted for some quality fish over the years though.
    Both are an advantage over dead baits though IMHO.


    Herring, jack, barra, black jew, trout, flat head, grunter, king salmon, blue salmon, bream and cod to mention a few live bait rocks slimy mackrel at the reef oooooh yeah

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