I think what's geting caught in some throats is the wiff of 'do gooderism',there's nothing worse than being told what you should be doing by someone who doesn't do it.
On a separate note regarding south coast rocks (those around the Woolongong area),I will relay what I've been told and recount an actuall first hand occurance and use the term 'yellow raincoat brigade' as it seems to fly unopposed here.Some twenty years ago I was visiting rels in that neck of the woods (I'm originaly from there) and decided on some fishing around the Barrack Point area.After an hour or so I was approached by a resident who wanted me to sign a petition to keep people who wear yellow rain coats of the rocks,I was somewhat amused by this ad declined the request,the lady seemed noneplussed and just remarked that I would probably see what she was on about a bit later on.Sure enough about an hour later two van loads of 'the yellow rain coat brigade' arrived and systematicaly took every living creature of the rocks right down to an arms depth below the water line,women ,kids and men of all ages took everything from the tinniest welks the size of a match head to star fish and crabs of all sizes, they lined up in an Emu parrade and combed the area emptying everything into drums in the vans.When they got to my gear they simply cast it aside with no regard,I confronted the person to just be totaly ignored with no eye contact or conversation,to say I was ropable was an understatement as this dopey f@!$wit shuffled around me.Now to the second part of my point....the vast majority of people who are fishing these rocks and being swept in do not actualy have any fishing tackle in there possesion excepting an oyster knife and bag,my cousins down that way assure me that they nearly always consist of 'the yellow raincoat brigade' in entire families systematicaly pilfering the ecosystem.Something to think about.