Headed out from Cleveland yesterday arvo about 3.30.
Got to the north mark at Cleveland point to be greeted by a solid 15knot easterley with plenty of white caps:sad:.The old Haines can handle it.
Plan was to drift around north of the Lazarette but way too uncomfortable.
So we went to a mark Ive got further down the eastern side of Peel.
A bit bouncy to start with but glass out after dark.
First rod baited up and in the water. Deckie still buggerising around with his tackle:tongue:, second rod baited when the first 1 takes a bend and starts losing line.
Jeez there is some weight there and a slow thump thump of a big tail.
Finally get it close enough to the boat to see a silver flash in the water.
Another run before the deckie does the job with the net and laying in the bottom of the boat is a 72cm......mother in law.SHITE.
The deckie loves his chilli so he kept that one.
The next 3 and a bit hours were the usual Peel procession of 30cm squire, eels, grinners and bits of bottom.
But, we also got 6 sweeties, 5 around 40cm and 1 at 49cm and a 41cm tuskie.
Guess what I had just had for dinner:grin:.
All caught on stinkie bait. Butterfly pillies on a 2 hook livey rig and fresh green prawns on a single sixo.
Nearly ran out of prawns. The deckie was eating them. And sucking the heads.
Back to the ramp about 8pm.
Cut the motor a fair way out and drifted in.
There were only 4 trailers in the carpark and some lowlifes were working on one of them. They didnt spot me until i got to the top of the ramp, them they took off.
They jumped into a silver/grey too big for a hatch back and too small for a van type of thing and sped off. I didnt get any numbers.:sad:
So, if anyone from here was at Raby Bay last nite after 8pm, I would suggest you check the bolts on your trailer. The trailer looked like it was built for a 23 to 25 footer.