Did a session earlier in the week after work one night. managed a tiny little guy on a deepthroater and my mate pulled one around 1m on a threadybuster
Was pretty quiet after that with no more fish caught so we packed it in. The larger thready was released on a dropline to the bottom and the little guy came from very shallow water and obviously wasnt able to defy the 30lb gear and run himself deep :grin:
have got a fair few tags in the threadys so far will be good to see some return catches and build up the knowledge database.
a quick tip, if you do catch a tagged fish and want to release it please be very quick in taking measurements (fork length, total length) and recording the tag number, don't stress too mcuh about getting all the phone # details off the tag just send me a pm and i'll steer you in the right direction. time out of water is a bad thing for the big girls especially and at the end of the day a successul release is worth more than getting the measurements spot on imo