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Assistance sought for engine problems
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Thread: Assistance sought for engine problems

  1. #1

    Assistance sought for engine problems

    I am experiencing difficulty in starting a twenty plus year old Johnson 115 HP outboard motor.

    The motor has been lying idle for about 18 months but ran well when last used. Currently, it has been fitted with a new battery, fuel line, been supplied with “fresh” petrol, had the filters cleaned and new plugs fitted. The motor will turn over but refuses to start.

    Can anyone suggest how I may rectify the problem?
    many thanks


  2. #2

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    Try hanging your tongue out the left side of your gob. It works for me!! :cheesy:
    Failing that has it any spark??
    You can test that by removing a spark plug, plug it back into the spark plug lead and rest the plug against the bloke somewhere wher it can earth out and crank her over. Should be easy to see the spark if it's there.

    Do those motors have a dead man switch?? If so is the lanyard in??
    I intend on living far so good

  3. #3

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    Maybe a little bit of a sideline but standing that long i would not be doing to much with it til a new impeller was fitted or trying to get it started will be the least of your dramas.

    Finga is right, they are pretty much fuel,spark and compression.Sounds like you have sussed out the fuel bit and now time to check the spark out.Don't get bitten by the spark it can be a real nasty jolt.

    Failing all that,paint it black stick some Merc decals on it and she will fire up crisper than she 's ever been and you will never look back ( tongue in cheek of course ).

    Good luck with it.



  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member gr hilly's Avatar
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    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    ive got a 70 johnson it has'nt been started for 6 or 7 yrs ill be ringing my outboard mech and telling him to get it going if he cant ill buy a new one prob a merc.when it comes to outboards let the pro's fix them.


  5. #5

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    Is the fuel bulb actually pumpng fuel into the carbys? Is it going hard when carby bowls are full? Is teh fuel bulb and hose on correctly and pumping fuel in the right direction?

    If the carbys weren't drained the fuel in the fuel bowls may well of gone to jelly of , varnish, wax. Jets may be clogged. Undo the drain holes on each carby bowl and pump primer to prove fuel is getting up there. Remove and clean bowls if required. especially the case with premix motors.

    If no fuel to carbys pull off fuel line to carby and work backwards past to fuel pump, filter , etc. Fuel hose may have collapsed internally.

    Check spark. Will tell you is deadman lanyard is working

    Turn it over choked,, if it doesn't run or kick the fuel is probably not getting there.

    Pull plug and see if it is wet or dry

    If dry 5mls of fuel down each pot and turn it over by hand a couple of times . Plugs back in see if it fires.

    Fuel , air, spark and compression . Not much else

    All the above at your own risk , fuel burns ,, I wouldn't be smoking. If you don't understand and have done the above before find someone who has.

  6. #6

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    A quirt of aerostart or start ya bastard will tell if there's a fuel problem and also give the big okky dokky to the electrical side.
    Good stuff that aerostart and safer then chucking straight fuel about the place
    I intend on living far so good

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    A quirt of aerostart or start ya bastard will tell if there's a fuel problem and also give the big okky dokky to the electrical side.
    Good stuff that aerostart and safer then chucking straight fuel about the place
    Very good advice if this don't start it I would certainly be looking at the ignition.

    I recently bought a FJ HOlden. It had not been driven for 30 years not started for at least 5 years. Quick squirts of start you bastard had it firing on all 6 cylinders. Bloody good stuff.


  8. #8

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    A quirt of aerostart or start ya bastard will tell if there's a fuel problem and also give the big okky dokky to the electrical side.
    Good stuff that aerostart and safer then chucking straight fuel about the place
    +1 to the ether spray, you don't need to use much and it can make all the difference, I assume you are using premix, if not best if you do anyway for the first few hours or so just to be sure the oil injection is still working properly.

    I use these sprays in anything cantankerous, I can glance at my whipper snipper without uttering a string of swear words only because of start you bastard.

  9. #9

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    OK, on an old 2 stroke, leave the start spray in the shed, it will remove what little lubrication is on the cylinder walls, the motor should start without any sprays and fuel in the spark plug holes, so lets start right at the beginning (a new water pump would be nice, but does not need to be done straight away, as long you are not going to run it for long) so remove a plug, make sure there is spark, prime the fuel and turn it over with choke and some fast idle lever, if no start, remove a plug and see if it is wet and then get back to us.

  10. #10

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    OH, make sure you have the flusher fitted and the hose on full of course

  11. #11

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    OK, on an old 2 stroke, leave the start spray in the shed, it will remove what little lubrication is on the cylinder walls
    They have upper cylinder lubricant in them now. They are not straight ether.
    For the time period that it takes to fire a motor there would be little, if any, damage to an engine.
    The start sprays are a good way to see if there is any spark as the motor will fire.
    If the motor runs for a sec you know there's fuel problems and investigate.

    They are not meant to run any engine on. That's why they call them AeroSTART and START ya bastard and not Aerorun and run ya bastard (that's what you say when it doesn't go :undecided
    I intend on living far so good

  12. #12

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    They have upper cylinder lubricant in them now. They are not straight ether.
    For the time period that it takes to fire a motor there would be little, if any, damage to an engine.
    The start sprays are a good way to see if there is any spark as the motor will fire.
    If the motor runs for a sec you know there's fuel problems and investigate.

    They are not meant to run any engine on. That's why they call them AeroSTART and START ya bastard and not Aerorun and run ya bastard (that's what you say when it doesn't go :undecided
    and the piston is dead stone cold...this cannot be overstated, there is no risk of damage to the ops engine from using this spray...of coarse there is always the idiot clause, like those that think quarter a can emptied down the carb throat as deeply as possible will lead to a new but improved outcome.

    The engine has been cycled a hundreds times already by the OPs description.

    Been using it 20+ years and at least 30 times a year to be swayed by the urban myth side of this spray.

  13. #13

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    And Aerostart is great for spudguns. That's were most of mine goes
    I intend on living far so good

  14. #14

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    OK, on an old 2 stroke, leave the start spray in the shed, it will remove what little lubrication is on the cylinder walls, the motor should start without any sprays and fuel in the spark plug holes, so lets start right at the beginning (a new water pump would be nice, but does not need to be done straight away, as long you are not going to run it for long) so remove a plug, make sure there is spark, prime the fuel and turn it over with choke and some fast idle lever, if no start, remove a plug and see if it is wet and then get back to us.
    Thanks Noelm very much for the advice. We followed your suggestions and
    the plug is dry which would suggest that the fuel is not making its way to the engine. When we pump the bulb, fuel seems to go as far as the fuel filter bulb but not beyond. Can you help us diagnose the problem please?

    Many thanks


  15. #15

    Re: Assistance sought for engine problems

    OH, OK, can you remove the filter and see if you can reconnect the hoses together to bypass the filter for a moment to see if you can get some signs of life, if so, buy a new one as soon as you can,you do have spark don't you? from there you can see if the carbies sre getting fuel, they have a drain plug on the bottom of the bowls, you can undo it and fuel should come out.

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