Pm sent to you Xtreme
Pm sent to you Xtreme
If you wanted to be fishing guide in the dams creeks around QLD what ticket would you need?
Restricted Coxswains. You could restrictions to all the freshwater rivers and lakes of Qld, smooth water limits, partially smooth limits, outboards only, etc., etc. You would still need to do Occ Health and Safety at Sea, have a radio licence and have a senior first aid certificate. You would need half of 365 days logged seatime under the old ROSS system, less with the ROPES system though I think it may have changed. I only need 600 days for my Masters V now so I was informed today. Better get all my stat decs in order and head in!
Masters V will make life a bit easier for you Rob!
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
That and a couple of boats I am looking at! :-)
After a few phone calls this arvo things are still in a state of flux and competency based training can really zip you through the tickets. Bit different to the old ROSS (Record of Sea Service) I did my Coxswains through which was 365 sea days of which half of those days had to be on open water for an Open Coxswains.
If your ever looking for RTO's delivering any qualifications best place to go is NTIS.
I have been looking at getting a restricted coxswain ticket and MSQ has informed me to use the RPL(recognition of prior learning) and fist aid ticket and VHF radio and thats about it. Oh and the oral exam of course for the restricted area requesting.
I was going to get one so i could trade goods on parts of the broadwater and Brisbane river only.
Keith Hall from Incredible charters has his RTO - he is at Scarborough. You can give him a call 32038188 he may be able to help you out (so do I but do you want a chick teaching you)
Sammy xx