Spent a few days in the sandy straights fishing with a mate spent sunday at sth whyttcliffes way got busted off 3 times by unknowns from the deep also got spooled once we landed 2 cod a nice big blackall a65cm flathead 4 whiting a puffer on the troll a school mackeral ,4 whiting so it was a good day,monday we picked up the pots got 6 legal muddies kept 3 others only half full they were returned also got 5 sandies , we then went fishing for 4 hours we landed 4 tailor 3 whiting 2 flathead , a cod, 12 gar a couple of bream nice couple of days in the straights we left there and went to borumba for a fish
sorry about the photo;s but camera setting was wrong also a few of the locals