I dunno.....Ive thought of a dozen titles for this thread. I've had the pic since Monday and been humming and haahing about it...its haunting me for a number of reasons so I'll share it. In NSW this is a legal fish, I personally dont agree with it, but its legal none the less. My major issue with this relates moreso to the fact that its nailed up on the post next to the boat ramp where all and sundry can view it,,,woohoo you caught one give yourself a pat your obviously a "legend" (term used tongue in cheek and extremely loosely!!!). So everyone who visits the ramp including those with a greenish tinge can see your legendary capture.....and that doesnt deal with the legal lizzard shoved down its gob for god knows whatever reason!!!!..I'm pretty sure the culprits here wont read this thread.....I don think the di*#kheads can read....I wont say to much more as Im sure there will be others adding to this thread that echoe my sentiments.