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The wrong message ????
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Thread: The wrong message ????

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Pete62's Avatar
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    The wrong message ????

    After reading an article in a popular mag I was disappointed to note a renowned writer describing how a Barra he had caught weighted over 50lbs on the Boga grips and that in his trip caught over 20 fish.

    Is it not common knowledge that this practice is a virtual death sentence to these big fish or is just a view held by some.

    If in fact it is true how does this send the right message to the masses they write to??

    Last edited by Pete62; 23-04-2010 at 02:36 PM. Reason: add

  2. #2

    Re: The wrong message ????

    He may have weighed it in an environet.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Pete62's Avatar
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    Re: The wrong message ????

    Quote Originally Posted by marty+jojo View Post
    He may have weighed it in an environet.
    You would like to think so Marty but the accompanying photo tells a different story.


  4. #4

    Re: The wrong message ????

    Did the article say he released the 50lb Barra ?

    Did the article say he weighed all caught Barra on the Boga Grips ?

    maybe a good question to send to the writer via the magazine ?

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  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Pete62's Avatar
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    Re: The wrong message ????

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    Did the article say he released the 50lb Barra ?

    Did the article say he weighed all caught Barra on the Boga Grips ?

    maybe a good question to send to the writer via the magazine ?

    Good questions Phill, I can only assume that as stated "22 big fish were caught"
    and it was in an impoundment that they would have been released. I guess one should not make assumptions.

    I will send a message to the author and ask those questions.


  6. #6

    Re: The wrong message ????

    Pete, as much as we'd like to think it, members of Ausfish and the like do not represent the majority. So is it common knowledge that lifting fish with bogas is a near certain death sentence? No, not everyone who does fish reads the mags, uses the forums etc, they just do what they think is right, wheterh it is the wrong thing or not. Not that I will hold it against them, a fish released after being held with boga's has a better chance of survival than one that ends up in the esky (whether C&R or kill and grill is your thing)

    And yes dangling a fish by the bottom jaw with boga's does cause severe damage, I myself have been holding fish that way and seen blood vessels rupture (keeping the fish anyway). It also disturbs the fishes gut, fish aren't meant to 'feel' their own weight, so all their internals aren't as 'stuck in place' as ours, so stomachs get twisted etc, which is why the best way for catch and release is to not take the fish out of the water at all. Though this situation doesn't happen as often it caan and does, and is also a death sentence.

  7. #7

    Re: The wrong message ????

    The main issues with holding a fish, particularly Barra , by Boga grips is the extension of the vertebra which does hold the central nervous system etc.

    It has been reported that a Barra of ( forget the figures exactly ) say 1 mtr will measure nearly 2cms longer after being held by Boga grips. This happens to Flathead as well.

    When released, the bBarra appear to move away in a normal fashion, but in fact are in great discomfort and are more susceptible to predators or other environmental factors that shortens their natural lifespan.

    Let us know the response from the writer.


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  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member Pete62's Avatar
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    Re: The wrong message ????

    I shot an email off this arvo, will report on the response.


  9. #9

    Re: The wrong message ????

    I heard that lifting bigger fish in that way will rupture their gill latch at the point near where their gills join at the throat.

    Hence, it is a death sentence even if released, as they'll die later.

    It was a point of discussion a while back amongst the fishing club I was in, in PNG.

    Many club members had to revise their methods of holding big barra, as they hadn't realised the damage that could be done by suspending them like that.
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  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Si's Avatar
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    Re: The wrong message ????

    interesting. i generally agree guys, dont get me wrong but cant help but smile at the IRONY. meaning what about the opposing forces between fish and angler when in the fight, at the towing point i.e hook in mouth??? fish pulling 20-30kgs (or whatever) of laterel force on one end and the angler pulling the same in another. I think this would also cause damage too.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member Pete62's Avatar
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    Re: The wrong message ????

    Quote Originally Posted by seriola ilandi View Post
    interesting. i generally agree guys, dont get me wrong but cant help but smile at the IRONY. meaning what about the opposing forces between fish and angler when in the fight, at the towing point i.e hook in mouth??? fish pulling 20-30kgs (or whatever) of laterel force on one end and the angler pulling the same in another. I think this would also cause damage too.
    A valid point but I am sure there is a stark difference between what you have mentioned and a fish being hung by the bottom jaw with no support. It has been proven that a fish can be 2-3cms longer(dislocated vertebra) after an encounter with the Boga Grips.
    Also, on a good week on any dam, dozens if not hundreds of Barra are released, surly if fish were dying after the fight their bloated bodies would litter the water surface.
    BTW, I have not received a response from the scribe.


  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
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    Re: The wrong message ????

    Quote Originally Posted by seriola ilandi View Post
    interesting. i generally agree guys, dont get me wrong but cant help but smile at the IRONY. meaning what about the opposing forces between fish and angler when in the fight, at the towing point i.e hook in mouth??? fish pulling 20-30kgs (or whatever) of laterel force on one end and the angler pulling the same in another. I think this would also cause damage too.

    A good point raised, I think it would have a small affect on turning a fish..pulling sideways..or in jerky actions, however when the fish is 'pulling' is swimming away, in a straight has the power and control, with a straight, fast and hard swim.

    The BIG Difference is when the fish is out of water. Fish, and particularly big fish, are not designed to be out of water!!....body parts and organs are designed for relatively neutral boyancy. So when a fish is out of water hung up, its full body weight PLUS un-natural gravity creates massive strains on their neck and vital organs.

    Does that make sense?? I am not real good at explaining these things.:smiley:

    Cheers Steve
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  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member mylestom's Avatar
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    Re: The wrong message ????

    Maybe I,m just getting old, but 20-30kg of pulling, must be a great drag on that reel???

    How many would have their drag set at that level. Let alone rod/reel combination.

    Last edited by mylestom; 07-05-2010 at 06:33 AM. Reason: Correction
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  14. #14

    Re: The wrong message ????

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post

    It has been reported that a Barra of ( forget the figures exactly ) say 1 mtr will measure nearly 2cms longer after being held by Boga grips. This happens to Flathead as well.

    This seems incredible. Out of interest where was this reported?

  15. #15

    Re: The wrong message ????

    I guess what it all comes down to is, they needed the photo for the artical, lots of people do "things" that are not exactly correct to get footage or pictures of a prize catch, sure maybe for a magazine or a TV show might make it much worse (perhaps) but it happens all the time, very few anglers are full on green, fish carers, most do the right thing most of the time, but we all do stuff now and then that others would see as wrong, almost any TV show around will have something someone considers to be damaging or unnessary.

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