Hi Spelchek
What is Hardneck Garlic?
Technically, it is allium sativum ophioscorodon. Unlike the softneck garlic grown commercially, especially in Spain and China, this garlic subspecies produces a hard, woody flower stalk. The flower (topset or umbel) often contains bulbils. Many varieties develop partial or full coils in the stalks (scapes). We have to remove the scape in order to increase the size of the harvested bulbs. The results vary from variety to variety. Many of the hardnecks, have very rich and distinctive flavors, including the much prized Rocamboles. Porcelain hardnecks are increasingly being grown in Canada and now in Scotland they have the advantage of having large even sized cloves with a longer storage life but still retaining the superior taste. Many chefs praise the various hardneck varieties for their true garlic flavour. The cloves are also relatively easy to peel