I stumbled onto this video on the web about ocean acidification and the future of fisheries:
I've been following the debates around climate change etc on and off, but I have to say this one scared the bejesus out of me! Basically this is NOT directly related to global warming, it has to do with the oceans absorbing all that CO2 we've been emmitting since the Industrial Revolution and which is ramping up dramatically. The data on CO2 levels seems pretty non-controversial and if the science is even half-way right in this video, then as fishermen we have a lot to be worried about. They are estimating the demise of most coral reefs within DECADES given the increasing acidity of the water and the impact this has on organisms like coral pollyps and krill that rely on a calcium carbonate exoskeleton. This also means the total collapse and extinction of most of the marine food chain. There is some stuff at the end of the video about marine sanctuaries - which to me seems pointless if the marine food chain and basic ocean chemistry is being rapidly destroyed!
I'm a fisherman with a family and I hate to think that in as little as 20 or 30 years we may not have a marine ecosystem to fish in and my kids may never see wild fish, sharks etc (let alone what this might mean for the global economy etc)!
Anyway, I'm hoping someone can tell me to relax - it's all a hoax etc etc. Otherwise I can only assume our governments are complicit in this silence and just trying to keep us all calm before the big calamity happens. If it is real then some sort of dramatic action to limit CO2 emissions would seem essential (irrespective of all the money we make out of digging coal out of the ground!)