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Thread: Should there be a rule ?

  1. #46

    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    Well Trev IMHO, by the waay I like to conduct myself on a dam I would not have a problem if someone I knew came over if I was getting some action comp or no comp. I think what you done was very good and it is straight and simple Pete was onto fish you knew it, so instead of fishing it you let him get the resault for what was his decision to fish there, no one else fished in there until word got out so if they would take anything in they would then try there best to mimic another simular spot.

    Trev I think it was fantastic what you did, I can understand many of the thoughts through the thread.

    If you have pre fish you entre 5 GPS marks come comp day they are ya marks you must fish ? would that work???

    Whatever the case I am coming next year!

    Cheers Nath

  2. #47
    Ausfish Bronze Member gav73's Avatar
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    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    It's a comp the bigger they get the more drama's will pop up, its like any sport soon as you get close to the top get ready for the shit fight.I think the more people winge the more people will steer away from comps.But I have seen people do some stupid things for a $5 trophy.
    Cheers Gav

  3. #48
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    Quote Originally Posted by leelee View Post
    For example –

    I know spot X fishes well in afternoon but for first session I fish spot Y that is within site of spot X. I just fish there to keep an eye on it. An angler turns up and catches fish. Great I say. That means they will be there for the arvo session and I can’t wait for that to happen.

    Now when everyone see’s me fishing there for the arvo session they will naturally assume that I was rude and have no manners when I get there first in the arvo because everyone will think I followed them there or decided to drop in on their honey hole, but actually the truth is I already knew about that spot and planned to fish it, but how do I prove that?.
    You also have to consider that the boat fishing in your spot X may have found that spot themselves in a prefish and planed on fishing it as well. Usually by the 2nd day all the good spots have been fished at least once, that is where the good teams have dozens of spots, or have worked out the pattern that was working and is able to go and apply it to other spots that may not have been fished.

  4. #49
    Ausfish Platinum Member warrior's Avatar
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    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    congrats trev in a way for what you did but it definatly must have disabled you for a while ,you are a good man. in the comp scene last year and early this year i saw this blowfly scene way too often people get so serious for dollars,accolades,trophies and so forth that they forget the real reason they are there ,to enjoy other like minded peoples company.i havnt fished a comp this year for this reason,. at the end of each session it is great to hear about what has happened for that session,but maybe team names dont get mentioned and the draw start out of a hat works very well .the cream will rise to the top no matter where they start from , again congrats matt on your success.

  5. #50

    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    I have to agree with tednted & Nagg and by no means am I trying to disrespect a noble gesture

    The way I see it is these comps are set up for 1 boat with 2 anglers being the team. Any 3rd party intervention {related to “fishing”} could be deemed as an unfair advantage on other teams & could also be called cheating against the recipient of the help.

    I haven’t fished comps of any form for 15 years and would never have asked for OR accepted any help from a 3rd party. It just wouldn’t sit right with me!

    To make it fair all round, perhaps ban the pre-fish and after the 1st session speed limit subsequent session starts as others have mentioned

  6. #51

    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    Quote Originally Posted by bugman View Post
    Actually Trev it was 1 through to 6 - not something easily forgotten
    The old bastard did that for me too (1 to 6) so I guess he has some redeeming features

  7. #52
    Ausfish Platinum Member warrior's Avatar
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    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    hey mike i think he has a little tally board at home with all his number ones on it :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: pb for me with him

  8. #53

    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    I've gotta say I'm a bit peeved! I've been away for three days, I get back, and this is back at the top of the forum. I thought it was quietly slipping away.

    Its ok that this has come up, it has bought up an issue - but one which has been in ABT style comps since the first bloke bought a 75hp so he could outrun the 25s getting around at the time. Why do you think tournament anglers keep buying bigger, faster boats! To get there first. Why do you think the boating industry love ABT! Sorry I digress!

    As I've already written, this, and a few other issues will be addressed in the Barra Trophy Tournaments as we fine tune the details.

    What I'm peeved about is that many people who didn't go to the comps, read this and think that there was a big bunfight at the comp. And this includes two sponsors who read this forum. So when I talk to them last week, the first thing they say is "I heard about the "bunfight"!

    Ian and I worked damn hard in getting sponsors onboard, and running the comp, with aim of growing the sport by bring anglers together to share knowledge and have a good time. I'm pretty sure almost every angler enjoyed and learnt - even if they didn't catch fish. Even the anglers who weren't there, have had the opportunity to learn from the reports published here and elsewhere - on the successful lures, techniques and locations. These reports have also generated some positive interest in Mondy, and many anglers are now keen to get up there and have a go again. After the last month or two of doom and gloom.

    But this thread hasn't done us any favours in ensuring the future success of Barra Trophy events. Sponsors wan't good publicity not bad. Fair enough everyone is entitled to their opinion, Trev asked for it - thanks Trev, you're not in my good books right now. Its ok, I'm over it already.

    The direct issue has been sorted, and the rules for Barra Trophy Comps will be ammended, to reduce the chances of teams being deliberately disadvantaged by other teams.

    I would like to politely ask everyone to let this slide. If you've got anything further to say on this good or bad - pm me. If you want to banter on, take it up on another thread.



  9. #54
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
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    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    What happened to free speech and open discussion?????

    Reeks of Competion organisers doin what ever and stuff everyone else and their opinions

  10. #55
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
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    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    Interesting!!! No comments??? Don't the sponsers like bad press????

  11. #56
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
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    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    Jim, I don't believe you posted anything that merits a response.

    Aren't you just dangling a bait and looking for a bite?:wink:

  12. #57
    Ausfish Platinum Member Apollo's Avatar
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    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    No Jim, just an interesting concept called respect - for Matt for doing a great job.


  13. #58

    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    How will this issue be covered in the rules?

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  14. #59

    Re: Should there be a rule ?


    Give me until the end of May.... we will be doing a press release for the Awoonga Barra Trophy on this site, and a few others. Any format or rule changes will be officially posted on at this time.

    You are all welcome to discuss these changes when they are released. Rules are needed for any competition. In my opinion they need to be as black and white as possible. Any grey areas can be exploited to benefit those that push the boundaries. Rules also need to be enforced and penalties applied in a consistant manner.

    Also, if you aren't fully familiar with everything in the rules, it could come back to bite you.

    In the friendly spirit of the Barra Trophy events, I'm pretty sure we won't have to open the rule book too often. Because anglers will be given clear boundaries, so they will know if they are going to overstep them.

    Jim, I apologise for my previous attempt to prevent free speech and open discusssion. It was wrong of me to do so. I appreciate your efforts to point that out to me.

    I seriously appreciate the thanks, support and respect from ausfishers! There are a heap of top people on here.

    Good fishing,



  15. #60
    Ausfish Platinum Member jimbamb's Avatar
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    Re: Should there be a rule ?

    apology accepted. Great thing about this forum/Country,,Anyone can have an opinion.. had my say..end of subject so far as I am concerned..( Even tho I don't fish comps I will be interested to hear if the rules relating to this are changed/modified/or left as is)
    I did not question matts ability or integrity...I simply pointed something out..
    Last edited by jimbamb; 29-04-2010 at 09:43 AM. Reason: forgot something

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