And l should be asleep but these thoughts keep going around in my head ! I better go back to the beginning before you think this old coot has lost it ! l just completed in the Mondy Cup .A barramundi catch and release tournament run by Matt Fraser { Top Effort Matt } Now lets see if l can paint the picture. The event consists of three sessions 6am to 11 am. 1pm to 6pm and another session on Sunday from 6am to 11am You can you prefish the event and try and find areas that the fish are holding. Now if you are very lucky you may find as we say a” honey hole “ A area that seems to have plenty of willing fish. This will be your No1 spot in the tournament. You hope and pray that the fish shall bite and no one will beat you to “Your “ spot. The event morning session starts and yes the fish are still there and you have your best session on a barra dam. So you return at the end of section one and yes your team are leading. Fantastic effort. Hang in there folks l am getting to it ! Now the area that you caught the fish is in plane view of most of the other competitors. Most have caught nothing. You have only a small boat and even though you will start the next session first most of the other boats shall pass you in the first Km from the start. Now the question ! Is the honey hole open slather ? or ? Now l have a fast boat so l got there first but l didn’t fish it. My job was to the mind the spot until the leading team arrived . l did this for two sessions After the first session it became quite clear that wind blown points that tapered slowly into the water where the ones to fish.. Some might say silly fool you. Yes l put my hand up and said to the team that was leading that l would do it . They never asked for it .l am not asking for a pat on the back or sympathy l did what l did because the tournament should be won on skill not on who has the fastest boat. So should there be a rule that says this Gps spot is mine during a event. Do we need a rule ? or is there a unwritten understanding that says its etiquette. If there is how does this be conveyed to new competitors ? Your thoughts please