Hi all!!! New tweed heads member here.
I have not been fishing for about 2 years. The reasion for this was that i moved from the tweed to airily beach to live and work as a marine mechanic for a year and also to experience some top fishing...which i did but when it came time to leave and head back to tweed i sold all my gear to me mate knowing that i would not use half of the gear i had down here, or catch a 1/4 of the fish i did in the tropics.
Any way 3 weeks ago i randomly felt like going for a fish...being so out of touch with the tweed river and the fishing scene in general i had to real clue where the fish were biting and none of my mates down here are really into fishing down here. So i dusted of my trusty curado/pen pinpoint combo and went and got some soft plastics and went down behind the tweed hospital early in the moring and caught 2 pan size fatheadsi was expecting to catch nothing....so i was pretty stoked....since then i have been fishing at lest 2 times a week and on the week ends, just of various banks i use to fish befor i went to airley... haven caught much at all and thats because im so out of touch down here but im keen again.
So if anyone has any tips/advice on the tweed river / beaches and gold coast area for me i would much appreciate it.