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Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay - Page 3
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Thread: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

  1. #31

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by Awshucks View Post
    Mike your got it all wrong they can't speak english so therefore they dont know the law's.If you give them anymore harse word's i'm lodging a complaint to the UN.
    Ahoy there,

    Number 1. They speak good English to obtain their drivers license

    Number 2. The also speak good English to obtain their Recreational Shipmasters licence ( FKA Speed Boat Licence).

    The more fines the better, Ho Chi Men City must get the message sooner or later.

    If we done this in their waters, all over red rover no get off free card or fine, straight to the cooler.

  2. #32

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    these yellow coat blokes also divide most of there catch into sizes when dividing, then they donate the smaller prawns back into the water when they get there bucket load of big prawns, or like they did last year, approach me asking me if i wanted the shopping bag full of prawns they "didnt need" cos they already had there esky full of big bananas! worse of all, fisheries were sitiing 200 metres away watching the 40-50 odd boats, checked about 3 of them. didnt notice me waving my hands in the air and pointing to the yellow coat boat as they motored away.... i think if i was driving that boat i'd have been chased and pulled up in no time...

  3. #33

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    Couldn't agree more, why should our stocks get depleted because of their greedy wants. It's nothing short of criminal and they should face the full force of the law.

  4. #34

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by Awshucks View Post
    Mike your got it all wrong they can't speak english so therefore they dont know the law's.If you give them anymore harse word's i'm lodging a complaint to the UN.

    I will take that as tongue in cheek the way i assume you meant it.............

  5. #35

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    perfect example is if you go into one of there shops and do something they dont like they abuse you and tell you to leave, yet they get around acting dumb and ignorant, and dont folow our rules, and then they pull the race card. if we threw a net in a green zone over there we'd probably be hung or face firing squad. to be honest there not all like that, there are some aussie a$$hole$ out there too that dont follow any rules and get away with it...

  6. #36

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    so does anyone have a link to the Brissy river green zones? I have the Moreton bay map, but was unaware of green zones in the river itself.

  7. #37

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    There are no green zones in the Brisbane river that I know of. however there are no take area's i have heard of. not sure of the differences. I think its in the upper reaches and around the port of Brisbane wharfs?

  8. #38

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    Thanks Razgo. I know there is a 30m exclusion zone around docked boats and the warves, but thats all I know about.

  9. #39

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    i think your ho chi minh city thing is going a bit too far just because some of you guys cant cast a decent cast net and get into the prawns don't go blaming yellow rain coats or Asians, if any of you guys who have ACTUALLY BEEN OUT THERE and seen who s out there,there are just as many Australians and white people amongst these guys and yes some should cop big fines but when you imply that only the Asians are out there you must be talking a lot of sh t out of your ass this seems to have started from breaking rules and who ever got fined should cop it but to be pointing your finger at only Asian s is very insulting go catch some and see what the fun is about all types of fishing is fun go learn yourself to fish !!

  10. #40

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by snodger 08 View Post
    Thanks Razgo. I know there is a 30m exclusion zone around docked boats and the warves, but thats all I know about.
    i think the other no take area is way up river where it turns into fresh water i think.

    otherwise nothing in between that i know of. maybe they think no one fishes in teh Brisbane river so they have left it out?


  11. #41

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    Thanks gain Russ. I just didnt want to end up in a photograph by fisheries and get a nice surprise in the mail "L"

  12. #42
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Thumbs up Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by sharkfinsoup View Post
    i think your ho chi minh city thing is going a bit too far just because some of you guys cant cast a decent cast net and get into the prawns don't go blaming yellow rain coats or Asians, if any of you guys who have ACTUALLY BEEN OUT THERE and seen who s out there,there are just as many Australians and white people amongst these guys and yes some should cop big fines but when you imply that only the Asians are out there you must be talking a lot of sh t out of your ass this seems to have started from breaking rules and who ever got fined should cop it but to be pointing your finger at only Asian s is very insulting go catch some and see what the fun is about all types of fishing is fun go learn yourself to fish !!

    australia says no to racism!

  13. #43

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay


    It's not just the "yellow raincoat band" that pillage our fish/crab stocks. Plenty of other people including Aussies do it too. During Easter at Jacobs Well I witnessed a Tinny with a family on board pick up a crab pot with a few undersized and potential female mud crabs inside.

    They picked up the pot saw the contents looked at me and my son, and took off at a million miles an hour back home to the canals at Calypso Bay. Never even tried to measure the crabs or look underside the pot for the crabs sex. I think I know where those crabs ended up, and it was not back in the ocean.

    Scumbags like that make me SICK, DISGUSTED AND PISSED OFF.

    It is simply UN-AUSTRALIAN and unlawfull to keep undersized fish/crabs and hopefully the full course of the law will catch you one day.

    You know who you are and I know where you live in the canal, so look out next time I see that happening my friend.

    Fisheries is now loaded on my Mobile phone for future occasions such as these.

  14. #44

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by sharkfinsoup View Post
    i think your ho chi minh city thing is going a bit too far just because some of you guys cant cast a decent cast net and get into the prawns don't go blaming yellow rain coats or Asians, if any of you guys who have ACTUALLY BEEN OUT THERE and seen who s out there,there are just as many Australians and white people amongst these guys and yes some should cop big fines but when you imply that only the Asians are out there you must be talking a lot of sh t out of your ass this seems to have started from breaking rules and who ever got fined should cop it but to be pointing your finger at only Asian s is very insulting go catch some and see what the fun is about all types of fishing is fun go learn yourself to fish !!
    Ahoy Sharkfinsoup

    Ive been out heaps of times and seen plenty of Asians in my time and actually spoke with them so dont piss in my pocket.

    (By the way of your post you could be asian) Sharkfin soup is also an asian delicacy, certainly not an Australian dish

    You miss the whole point of what posters are saying.

    As for me I dont personlly care if they are white, black, yellow or 50/50, semi or whatever.

    A green zone is a designated marine park...that is NO TAKE..END OF STORY has nothing to do with how to cast for prawns or fish. Tell that to the Magistrate when you end up with a fine and want to contest it

    I'm no racist mate, I call a spade a spade and I dont give a rats about political correctness . Australia seems to have lost its own unique culture no thanks to the multi culturals who want to run and control this country,,,again the minority telling the majority what to do.

  15. #45

    Re: Expensive prawns in Moreton Bay

    Quote Originally Posted by bondy99 View Post
    Ahoy Sharkfinsoup

    Ive been out heaps of times and seen plenty of Asians in my time and actually spoke with them so dont piss in my pocket.

    (By the way of your post you could be asian) Sharkfin soup is also an asian delicacy, certainly not an Australian dish

    You miss the whole point of what posters are saying.

    As for me I dont personlly care if they are white, black, yellow or 50/50, semi or whatever.

    A green zone is a designated marine park...that is NO TAKE..END OF STORY has nothing to do with how to cast for prawns or fish. Tell that to the Magistrate when you end up with a fine and want to contest it

    I'm no racist mate, I call a spade a spade and I dont give a rats about political correctness . Australia seems to have lost its own unique culture no thanks to the multi culturals who want to run and control this country,,,again the minority telling the majority what to do.
    I agree, ive been down at the colmslie ramp and theres been ethnic ppl casting and crapping and the crabs they had in there buckets were no bigger than a cigarette box, i said to them politly do u realise them crabs are way to small?
    The only answer i got was eh no speaka english!I kicked the bucket over and said opps but still ended up nearly being knifed by them.I know the fisheries now do regular patrols down on the sand pumping jettey as well because of the asians rapeing and pilaging everything they caught, some were even selling it in the shop..How is that right for the poor old aussie fishermen trying to make a living.Its hard enough for em with all the bye backs and exclusion zones
    Another time i went to a seafood market at sunnybank,i walked in to the market and picked up a shell that id never seen before, the shop keeper seen me do this and because i was the only aussie in the shop i got told we closed bout 5 times cos i couldnt understand a word he spoke to me.
    Now makes you wonder what this bloke had to hide? I later found out that he had been raided by the fisheries and got done for having barramundi cod.
    Just goes to show the ignorance of some of these ppl.

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