Headed out from Round Hill creek on Saturday morning early to fish some ground south of Boult Reef that we had found on a few earlier trips. Anthony (Spot82) had his boat this time as he wanted to show his parents how good the fishing was up off 1770. Saturday started off slowly for us and by the end of the day we had only about 8 fish in the esky with 1 red and a few trout the standouts.
Day 2 involved more hard work with a good NWer blowing but we slowly built up the esky total to a slightly respectable 30 or so fish including 4 reds one which went around 12kg and 4 trout.
Day 3 was pretty much a troutathon where we hit some bommies south of boult reef and had the best session on trout ever. We landed about 10 trout in 30 minutes just on sun up.
Was testing some new colour flys out this trip and a new colour really turned it on for the trout. Tested out a mono combo this weekend, was basically a 3-5kg ugly stick rod with a big abu overhead loaded with 30lb platypus platinum. Couldn’t believe the fish I was knocking over with this combo with all the big trout and the big reds falling for it. Also landed 2 5 foot reef sharks on it, I jammed the rod in the holder cos I got sick of fighting the sharks at one stage.
All fish were caught on PEtackle flys in the hussar, slimey and new colour “Guthook” managed to just make our bag of 40 fish with a few hussar thrown in.
Till next trip.