so... ive got an eagle 642C with a navionics australia gold card... its the whole australian coast and wide... but nothing from a few miles inland...and i want impoundments shown....
ive had a shot at making maps and did ok with leslie and connolly in my trial version of OziExplorer...but it dosent support eagles....
so i need software that i can create maps readable on the eagle or something that can convert the OziExplorer ones..
can anyone help with info please....
the other thing, can anyone tell me how to create a trail on the compuetr... or convert a a route into a trail....i made routes around the green zones but they dont show up on the screen unless im navigating them, driven round a couple and saved the trails of that in green...but thats a little inacurate and kinda sloppy... i use GDM6 but its very limited
i have been searching posts in the forums and googling the www.. but to no avail unless i lived in america
i do tend to fish close (real close at times) to a couple of green zones but don't want to break the rules.....
and as for the mapping ive just bought a kayak and want to fish the impoundments within driving range and would like the outline at least on my screen..
thanks in advance