I have just read your post for the first time. I am guilty of fishing with more than one rod, just incase and often miss a strike because it is the othe r rod that gets the bite.
A perfect example why not to do this just happened to me last week in the Maroochy river whilst fishing for whiting over known yabbie location with sea grass covering. My unattended need rod got hit big time and got dragged out of the boat, I am assuming by a stingray or perhaps trevally, probably the latter cause the fish freed itself. I know his because I snagged the rod (well line actually) about an hour later and got it backed. Very fortunate indeed.
The lesson has be learnt and will now only have a floater on a bigger rod set out the back in the rod holder and concentrate on fishing for the targeted species with just one rod.
Thanks so much for a great lot of advice and ur right, it's back to the basics and more fish will be found.
Gotta Love Maroochydore.
Many thanks for your effort, humility & wisdom.
What are your thoughts on burly please ?? .... particularly when faced with the faster flowing waters ??
Thanks, Mal.
Coincidentally, I have been enjoying quite a lot of tiger prawns from the supermarkets lately (delicious!!!) and have kept all of the shells in my bait freezer in frozen blocks of ice in ice cream containers with a rope immersed in them so that I can tie the blocks on the back of my boat and berley as long as the ice lasts. Sometimes, I throw them into a mesh bag that I tie on the back of the boat.
So the answer is yes, I will berley occasionally. On those occasions, I will fish out the back of the boat rather than to the sides as written earlier in this thread.
Some blokes berley a lot and very effectively. If you ever hear Jason Comino talk at a fishing show, you will probably be amazed at just how much berley he uses. Of course, he is a very serious fisho and is usually looking to attract something like big cobia.
Likewise, you don't see Webby write many fishing reports here these days (neither do I.....just laziness) but I recall how when he did, he used to berley quite a bit with cubed pilchards with usually spectacular results.
I am not really sure why, but I would probably berley more at night time than in the day. No real sensible reason for this except that at night, the Bay comes alive and I want a part of the action to happen around my boat.
In faster flowing waters? No. The berley will travel for miles and take the fish with it.
Well i'm thankfull for this post Charlie,
I've fished the bay on and off for 30 yrs + and have my own ideas how to catcha fish. My ideas were very similar but i think you have come out on top. Then again you my have been out on the water more than me so you win on that one as well so after reading this i have taken a stand and I"M GOIN FISHING TODAY! I have enjoyed reading everybodies posts and all i can say is GOOD LUCK whoever wets a line..
CHEERS ........
I have read all the way through this thread and feel like I do sometimes when I fish.
I have all the right gear. I am there at the right tide with the right bait, but no fish.
Where is the original thread from Charleville, that everyone is raving about.
It must have been there because everyone else has read it, but where is it now?
What the hell did he do to get banned for life?
Be nice to know what the ban was for... I thought this was a friendly site???
Just one more cast
I have been away from the forum for a while. I bought a yacht and have been too busy learning to sail properly to worry about fishing. What happened to Chareville? A couple of years ago, his posts were the main reason I used to log in! Glad to be back though![]()
Been fishing for 30 years. Just starting to get the hang of it!
Hello fellow Ausfishers,
With some trepidation I will confess to having kept a copy of the original post.
In post #17 the author stated "Mate, the world owns it now.Feel free to copy it as you wish.", so I am more than willing to provide a copy back to this thread on those grounds.
Can I please get some advice (publicly or privately) as to whether the Mods / Owner have any issue with me doing this ...
given I do not know (or want to know) the circumstances around the banning.
Thanks, Steve
Nothing in the original post that could have got someone banned, just a bloke sharing his knowledge. Be good to see that info go up again.
Um er,
I read that post and thought it was a good useful guide so I would be glad to see it back up.
But..... wasn't it taken down by Charlie himself? So shouldn't we respect his wishes? Or not?
(Using Tapatalk on iPhone so can't easily 'thank' or 'like')
All I can go on is the blanket statement by the author in post #17, and loading it here will be a lot cleaner than responding to dozens of private messages, so here is the original post.
Please note there is no point #5, could be an error on my part in the original download, or maybe there wasn't on in the first place - be happy to know if anyone remembers.![]()
Cheers, Steve
Last edited by Bazzawookooka; 23-09-2013 at 10:30 AM. Reason: Removed at Author's behest ... :(