Headed out from Mooloolaba this morning at 5am. Headed South East for a mark off Caloundra that has produced plenty of Snapper in the Past. Found the mark and some good shows. First drop with a Hard nose baby bass on 5/8 Jighead saw my little Diawa Sol 2500 Screaming within a minute of hitting the bottom. First 5 mins a 75cm Snapper on Board. 2 drifts later my Father boated a slightly larger model that was the same length but weighed just over the 5kg mark.
I stupidly started talking up the prospects of a bag out and that was the end of it. Tried a few other spots and undersize Maori Cods returned.
Around lunchtime the wind started picking up so headed in closer to Curramundi for a couple of Drifts for no success. Heading back to Mooloolaba so some of the best bird action I have seen in a long time. thousands of Birds and just as many Mack Tuna busting up the surface and getting some airtime. 2 Hookups for one pulled hooks and one broken leader knot (getting regular lately).
All in all a good day out with the old man and some fillets for the table. Better luck next time.