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Thread: South Maroochy Bass

  1. #1

    South Maroochy Bass

    I have been meaning to try out this end of the river for a while now. i went down there for a flick today. didnt move to far from the bridge, and just casted a popper around some of the pools. i got a little spangled perch. and saw plenty of them. anyone else fished around there for bass??

  2. #2

    Re: South Maroochy Bass

    Used to fisn the area many years ago & did fine on bass and the odd magrove jack.

    If you have a boat/canoe, you could also try the north arm of the Maroochy river.

    I usually fished from daybreak until around 10am starting with surface lures.

    Other captures included flathead, bream & trevally.


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