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Thread: Wivenhoe Dam

  1. #1

    Wivenhoe Dam

    Hey there fellow campers,
    i know this question has prolly been asked a 1000 times but im thinking about finally going camping this weekend been way way to long haha but have never been to wivenhoe for camping nor any of the dams up this way im from down south used too camp at Wyangla dam so any info would be fanastic as i have googled wivenhoe but there is'nt much info there... like can u have fires there and is the fishing any good i will be land based as far as the fishing


  2. #2

    Re: Wivenhoe Dam

    Check these out regarding camping:

    I don't know about fishing spots.

    What would Steve do?

    fortes fortuna adjuvat

  3. #3

    Re: Wivenhoe Dam

    Great spot mate.

    Looks a treat with the water up. Costs 15 bucks a night for an unpowered site at Logans Inlet.

    Need to take your own wood for fires. Can be purchased there at times.

    Fishing, land based from there will be tough, will get more cats than anyhing else.
    You would need to walk a bit to get anything.

    Take your red claw pots and heat out for a bit of a swim to put hem in.


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