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Thread: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

  1. #1

    Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    Do you anybody got penalty from fishing near the rock wall at the end of Port of Brisbane?

  2. #2

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    Nope but it's now part of the no-go zones. Something to do more with controlling terrorism than anything else. Just the Labor party and their cronies making each other look big and tough I fear, because all fishos are terrorists at heart aren't they?
    Still doesn't stop the Airport construction destroying hectares of mangrove and sea grass beds that they will gobble up to make the 3rd runway.

  3. #3

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    Guys, The Nanny Nazis (aka the Labor Party) have a point though don't you think? I mean look at us on here. day and night, all of us fanatics about fishing!!! Next thing we will be strapping pilchards to our chest and wading into the surf into an innocent school of tailor - or hijacking the Redland Bay Water taxi and flying it into the Mangroves to take out innocent mudcrabs going about their everyday business.

    Seriously, the Labor party want to control everyone and this little by little approach is frustrating but also very effective.


  4. #4

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????


    Dont loose sleep over it

  5. #5

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    I Think you guys will find this was something that was instagated by Howard and his mob after the 911 thing and to stop the green radicals from painting slogans on the side of merchant ships live with it guys thats the rules why stress about something you cant do anything about ,go fishing and chill ...matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  6. #6

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    Yeah totally agree,plenty of other water out there to terrorise some fish
    like others have said,no point loosing sleep over.
    Nothing we say or no matter how much we whing about it will change a thing.

  7. #7

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    has the rule change from the 30m to more?

  8. #8

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    Quote Originally Posted by bluefin59 View Post
    I Think you guys will find this was something that was instagated by Howard and his mob after the 911 thing and to stop the green radicals from painting slogans on the side of merchant ships live with it guys thats the rules why stress about something you cant do anything about ,go fishing and chill ...matt
    Matt, I was going to go a lot further with what you said , totally agree with what you said I can still remember it, shame others have short memories but that's the crux of it hey.

  9. #9

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    yea its unfortunate as i really dont feel that the rule achieves anything, if a terrorist or greenie wants to get up to mischief its not like the 30m rule is going to stop them, and its not like they're going to do it in the form of throwing a lure or bait in the water next to the wharf :|

    but not much can be done, some of the security guys dont mind as they are able to apply commonsense and discretion (others arent so liberal)

    common sense also needs to be applied by us the fishos, i.e dont get in the way of commercial operations, shouldnt anchor up next to ships or hang around wharves currently in use etc

    my 2c!

  10. #10

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    Danners is on the money, some common sense from both parties and all should be sweet. If you are caught in no go zones too often you might be in trouble as i think your licence and details are recorded.

    Food For Thought.
    30m won't stop a Bazooka.... It may as well be 3000m plus.

    Cheers Lyndon

  11. #11

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    Does anyone know why they fenced off under the train bridge on the road out to POB?
    The bream used to climb up yer leg there.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member gr hilly's Avatar
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    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    do i smell a ALP supporter still in qld.

    glynn hill

  13. #13

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    Quote Originally Posted by Flash the toad feeder View Post
    Does anyone know why they fenced off under the train bridge on the road out to POB?
    The bream used to climb up yer leg there.
    In August they are starting on construction on the new road bridge over the passage. Check out the earthworks on Fisho side all ready. Bicycles are not allowed past the BP round about any more.
    Technically parking and fishing from that parking area over the bridge now illegal since February 1st. The Fisho boat ramp will be close from August for bridge construction and the park area there is re delevoped as well and actual passage under the bridges will be to limited boat traffic. Meaning not the genneral public like you and me.
    Will have to go from Manly or Comlsie to get to Mud Is. or that stretch of the river.
    Hopefully the Government will use our boat levy fee off boat rego to up grade the ramp set up and put a sand area beside the ramp. Knowing Bligh she will probly just close the ramp under port security anti terrosit rubbish

  14. #14

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    I saw a boat fishing along the front rock wall last week. and i dropped some crab pots in front of port of Brisbane authority (whyte island side).

    i looked at the map and yes it says marine park boundary. so that means you cant fish the boat passage either?

    I always just checked for "GREEN" on teh map. i never noticed the "RED" boundary before now.


  15. #15

    Re: Big fine fishing at Port of Brisbane ????

    Quote Originally Posted by hondaguy View Post
    In August they are starting on construction on the new road bridge over the passage. Check out the earthworks on Fisho side all ready. Bicycles are not allowed past the BP round about any more.
    Technically parking and fishing from that parking area over the bridge now illegal since February 1st. The Fisho boat ramp will be close from August for bridge construction and the park area there is re delevoped as well and actual passage under the bridges will be to limited boat traffic. Meaning not the genneral public like you and me.
    Will have to go from Manly or Comlsie to get to Mud Is. or that stretch of the river.
    Hopefully the Government will use our boat levy fee off boat rego to up grade the ramp set up and put a sand area beside the ramp. Knowing Bligh she will probly just close the ramp under port security anti terrosit rubbish
    Thanks Hondaguy.

    Back when I used to fish there you'd have to fight the bream off under the bridge but then I get nothing from the boat ramp.

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