Well after the devistation on not being able to attend this years muster due to other family committments I had to get there while I still had a few holidays left!!! All the awesome reports from the lads this year had me excited!!!
Firstly I had to earn a few brownie points by taking the tribe camping to 1770....Stayed at the campgrounds on the beach...the very view from our campsite was disgracefullAttachment 57229Attachment 57230
The neighbour camps consisted of a great couple of blokes who built their own Yaks!...and awesome quality too I might add. Turns out, he too is an Ausfisho, Hairy Mick...and a mate of his from a canadian Yak site, John who travelled all the way out here after yakking about Yaks on their Yak site. Other side was a young dude from Cairns who was travelling thru to the Goldy to get married...he had his wife to be, Sis in law and Mother in law....all in the same tent!!!...now thats a test of a blokes endurance camping!!!..Great lad, who fishes with Northern ABT guys....Moral is..you cant hide anywhere!!!
After getting home, it was hook the boat and head for Borumba. Got to the campsite to set up my 1man tent ('The gents' as Daryl named it)...a cooker, light, chair, cheese and bickes and a beer......13.4min later I was relaxing with some company of a 9 meter goanna that enjoyed eating whole eggs....and If I didnt give him eggs, I beleive he had all intention of my making me his biatch
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Gippsy (you may remember him with a Owner ST66 hangin out of his forehead a few ABT's ago)..turned up soon after and we settled in for a few bevvies and sort out a game plan...it was pretty simple really.
Sat morning loaded up the Triton (Lara had gone home by now) and up we go for some surface action. Met up with Teflon Sneaky Brian who was already fishing in the ball park location. Had a few casts, and popped off my favorite popper of all time.....this lure was 10yr old at least, no paint...I was suposed to retire it last trip.! tied on 2nd fav....3casts.....explosion.....gooooone...temper fraying now.....tied on 3rd fav.....5 casts....explosion (big fish)....all the way to bank...bricked in weed. Now most blokes would wade in....nope...I was that cranky. I tried to skull it thru the weed......pop. Thankfully for Teflon Brian, who had ample supplies of lollies withing stealing distance...he loaned me a popper and some heavier leader. Brian managed a few nice bass while we were there, and Gippsy was getting some insane hookups, and misses on togas useing a little surface froggie. We all went our seperate ways as the sun came up....I think we managed 3 or 4 fish..nothing special. home for lunch and a few bevs.
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Arvo, we tried a different area....it was difficult access. Had a ball on Yellas, togas and bass for about 3 hours..some of the yellas were around the 1.5kg mark..and fought better than any yella I had caught ever. I think the O2 levels in this arm of the lake were better than anywhere else. Unfortunatley, I dont have any pics here, as they are on Gippsys camera, and didnt turn out too well
Late arvo surface action....NON EXISENT....Why, is beyond me. We had the moon rising over the hills, sun set..perfect condtions. If you were at Mondy mid summer, you would be wetting your pants. It was a big dissapoiontment...not even a hit. Called it an early day and went to Imbil bowls club for a countery....Highly reccommended. I had a curry, which kept the tent warm later that night!!!
Sunday morning, we ventured up the lake in search of some more surface action. Met up with Gippsy's mate John who joined us, thankfully he was armed with extra poppers and spinnerbaits as our stocks were severly depleted!! Today was a better day, I managed 4 bass, 43cm to 46cm all on Brian's sweet cultiva, Gippsy mangaged 2 more little togas and some snodger bass, and John got his first Toga and a few bass....no wardrobe malfunctions today thankfully.
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We decided to head back to the other arm where we had success the previous day, and continued the same form with more yellas and bass, before calling it quits about 11am. Had a great weekend, wished it was the weekend before though. Thanks to Deano, Brian and Naggles for their advice on some good locations that produced. Sorry for the long winded blah blah...but it was fun.
Cheers Steve