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Thread: Shame shame

  1. #16

    Re: Shame shame

    Len, KC, Chris and Co,
    Passion....Love it.....
    If it stays civil and things are sorted from discussion, then this will be great.
    NEWBY T.G.

  2. #17

    Re: Shame shame

    Here is another one of the driving sides of Marine Parks.

    Oh and here is the forward looking plans....Pacific Ocean 2020.

    And here is one about fisheries.....check the logo on the top right hand side.

  3. #18

    Re: Shame shame

    I think you will find there were a number of industry people involved with the recent zoning of Moreton Bay and they worked very hard to get changes made to the original proposal, belive me it would have been alot worse.

    The reason there are green zones in areas with "nothing there" is that the EPA wanted to "protect" a certain percentage of certain habitats such as mud flats, sandy deserts, sea grass areas. The industry people managed to get quite a few of these areas changed from parts of the bay that would have huge impact on fishing to areas that are not used nearly as much.

    People in the industry spent huge amounts of personal time fighting for the bay

  4. #19

    Re: Shame shame

    Perhaps some of the boys that push the 'get it from the states' line could ask their prefered retailer over there to contribute.......I'm sure that they (the US retailer) are worried sick about their Ausie clients problem.

  5. #20

    Re: Shame shame

    Quote Originally Posted by banshee View Post
    Perhaps some of the boys that push the 'get it from the states' line could ask their prefered retailer over there to contribute.......I'm sure that they (the US retailer) are worried sick about their Ausie clients problem.
    Now now play nice although if one looks hard enough at just one big australian outdoor retailer to see just who they/their parent help support with cold hard sure as heck is not a charity in any anglers/campers or their family's best interests.

    Easy pickings for an Eco press release if this still is the case.

    That's not livin Daniel!!

    cheers fnq

  6. #21

    Re: Shame shame

    Quote Originally Posted by banshee View Post
    Perhaps some of the boys that push the 'get it from the states' line could ask their prefered retailer over there to contribute.......I'm sure that they (the US retailer) are worried sick about their Ausie clients problem.
    I just got a good idea.
    Start a tackle shop where all profits go to the 'fight the greenies' fund....

    Who's going to start it??
    I intend on living far so good

  7. #22

    Re: Shame shame

    Kevin, I note your comments and your discussion with Recfish must have been before I became CEO.

    We believe that we do have the voting block to support our actions and the Mako Shark issue was a key example of where local MPs got nervous and put pressure on Garrett.

    Funny thing is that other minister's are just content enough in their position to challenge us to bring the fight on and the Population, Farming and Fishing Minister believes he has done a great service to recreational fishing with his discussion paper. He believes that he doesnt have to consider working with Recfish Australia as voters will recognise his enormous contribution to recreational fishing in this document...

    As far as overseas tackle manufacturers go, they are very concerned about what is happening here as they see it as a dress rehearsal for Pew or a warm up for a US onslaught. We are getting a lot of support from US Industry Bodies and media.

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