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Garrett Press Release
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Thread: Garrett Press Release

  1. #1

    Garrett Press Release

    Environment Protection Minister, Peter Garrett, said the release today of the Areas for Further Assessment for the East Marine Region marks an important milestone in an unprecedented effort to assess the unique economic and environmental values of the Australian east coast marine environment.
    Mr Garrett said the ongoing process would inform the development of a network of 'multiple use' and 'no-take' marine reserves in Commonwealth waters throughout the region, which covers 2.4 million square kilometres from the Torres Strait to southern New South Wales, and as far east as Norfolk Island.
    "Today's identification of Areas for Further Assessment kicks off a new round of scientific assessment and consultation that will help ensure that any future decisions about protecting our marine environment are made taking into account the need to minimise the impacts on industry," Mr Garrett said.
    "This ongoing consultation program is critical to ensure that we gain a comprehensive understanding about the areas that are important to both industry and to recreational fishers, as well as being environmentally significant so that we can ensure we get the balance right in our future planning.
    "Better understanding Australia's waters so as to conserve our unique marine environment and sustain our marine based industries well into the future is a massive task, one we are strongly committed to." Mr Garrett said.
    Seven areas, plus the Coral Sea Conservation Zone, have been identified for further assessment. The seven areas are the Fraser, Tweed, Clarence, Hunter, Batemans, Tasmantid-Lord Howe and Norfolk.
    "These areas for further assessment are simply areas where more detailed information will be collected. Importantly, they do not have any regulatory impact on industries, recreational fishers, boating enthusiasts, tourism operators and other users," Mr Garrett said.
    Coral Sea

    The Minister made today's announcement on a visit to Cairns, a major departure point for the Coral Sea, where he met with representatives from the commercial fishing industry and the indigenous community.
    "The work completed to date on the Coral Sea, shows that it is an area of unique environmental significance with an array of coral reefs, atolls, deep sea plains and canyons.
    "It was those unique values that led to the Government putting in place an interim Conservation Zone last year, which will remain the subject of assessment as we continue the marine planning process.
    "I want to make plain to everyone, that while my Department will continue to assess the whole of the Coral Sea, there is no plan to establish it as one large 'no take' marine park.
    "As with other marine areas around the country, I expect that this process will lead to a balanced mix of both multiple use areas and no-take areas within the marine reserve network in which we work with stakeholders to secure a good conservation outcome while minimising social and economic impacts."
    Next steps

    Once consultation on the Areas for Further Assessment has concluded, the Government will finalise proposals for a network of marine reserves in the East Marine Region, which will be identified in the draft marine bioregional plan due out early next year. Stakeholders and the public will again be able to give the government feedback on the proposed marine protected areas during a statutory consultation period on the draft plan.
    "Everyone with a stake in Australia's marine environment will have the opportunity to provide detailed information and express their views on the draft bioregional plans," Mr Garrett said.
    Marine bioregional plans are being developed under national environment law and will fulfil the Australian Government's 2002 commitment to establish a National Representative System of Marine Protected Areas by 2012.

  2. #2

    Re: Garrett Press Release

    Here is where you find the maps for the AFFA's.

  3. #3

    Re: Garrett Press Release

    A very quick overview of sizes of each

    Tweed AFFA - Covers from Byron to Tweed Heads
    Fraser - Rainbow Beach to about Hervey Bay on the Fraser Island Side
    Clarence - From Brooms Head to Hat Head
    Hunter - Wallabi to Swansea
    Coral Sea - Tip of Fraser to Tip of Cape York
    Norfolk - Aall around the Island itself
    Batemans - From Bawley Point to Bermagui
    Lord Howe - a Huge stretch of water.

  4. #4

    Re: Garrett Press Release

    We are screwed aren't we? I mean he's just publicly admitted there will be no take areas before any hard evidence, actually ANY evidence has been produced. Rudd and this muppet need to go and fast. I never liked Abbot for some reason but by god I hope he gets up at the next election.

    Cheers Chris
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  5. #5

    Re: Garrett Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovey80 View Post
    We are screwed aren't we? I mean he's just publicly admitted there will be no take areas before any hard evidence, actually ANY evidence has been produced. Rudd and this muppet need to go and fast. I never liked Abbot for some reason but by god I hope he gets up at the next election.

    Cheers Chris
    We suspected that this was coming, that is why we need everyone to get in there and get that petition signed. We spent a lot of time making it legal to be presented to parliament and it meets all the requirements. Got to get 10000+ signatures from aussies.

  6. #6

    Re: Garrett Press Release

    Bung another link up for the petition for those who may not have completed it yet please..

    Gees I'm glad the cook and I are going to buy acreage.
    I'm going to dig a HUGE hole, let it fill with water and stock it with fish.
    I might one of the rare people able to go fishing when they get to a decent size if this rubbish is not stopped.
    I intend on living far so good

  7. #7
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Garrett Press Release

    "Everyone with a stake in Australia's marine environment will have the opportunity to provide detailed information and express their views on the draft bioregional plans," Mr Garrett said.
    Everyone with a stake? I fail to see how ANY of the extreme green groups that are pushing for this rubbish have a'stake' in any of these environments. What sort of a stake do they have? Queer beliefs yes, but what commercial stake do these weirdos have?

  8. #8

    Re: Garrett Press Release

    Pew loses battle for the Coral Sea

    Regards Scotto

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member gr hilly's Avatar
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    Re: Garrett Press Release

    he can't sing. he can't put bats in the roof .he can't tell the truth and he does'nt know how to read but now he's going to stuff up some thing else what a joke this gov has gone nuts i cant believe bligh got in and rudd prob will to i' just don't know WHY he cant look any one in the eye when he's waffling on lets get them out so we can have a say again.

    glynn hill

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member - R.I.P. October 2015 dayoo's Avatar
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    Re: Garrett Press Release

    PEW will keep at it bit by bit until they achieve most of their objectives.

    The pepole who have retired to the Fraser Coast and the populus of Rainbow Beach & Tin Can Bay are furious that their future access to offshore fishing is under threat.

    These two towns as well as surrounding communities will be hit hard if this stupid proposal gets off the ground.

    I imagine that the fishing community between the Tweed and Byron Bay will react in the same manner

    Soon our only outdoor experience will be sitting in front of our TVs watching documentaries


  11. #11

    Re: Garrett Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    Bung another link up for the petition for those who may not have completed it yet please..

    Gees I'm glad the cook and I are going to buy acreage.
    I'm going to dig a HUGE hole, let it fill with water and stock it with fish.
    I might one of the rare people able to go fishing when they get to a decent size if this rubbish is not stopped.

    At this stage it is only a paper based petition.

    Link to the petition

    Link to information sheet.

    Scott, you should get involved in this one too. Time to set aside any differences and just work for a common goal. Its your region that is subjected to an AFFA, we need to make sure that the federal government knows we are here.

  12. #12

    Re: Garrett Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealAndy View Post

    At this stage it is only a paper based petition.

    Link to the petition

    Link to information sheet.

    Scott, you should get involved in this one too. Time to set aside any differences and just work for a common goal. Its your region that is subjected to an AFFA, we need to make sure that the federal government knows we are here.
    We're on to it to Andy - Thanks Scotto

  13. #13

    Re: Garrett Press Release

    this was on the abc website

    Anglers fear more north coast lock outs

    Updated March 26, 2010 08:20:00
    Anglers fear more north coast lock outs (ABC Local: Ben Collins)

    There are fears that waters off the Tweed and Clarence coasts will be declared off limits to recreational anglers.
    Both areas have been identified as areas for further assessment by the Federal Government.
    The minister for Environment Protection, Peter Garrett says they are among seven areas that will form a network of multiple use and no-take marine reserves in Commonwealth waters along the state's east coast.
    The pro-angling lobby group Ecofishers says it expects the lock up of vast areas.
    The group's chief executive, Ken Thurlow says there is no reason to exclude recreational fishers from any of the identified zones.
    "It would be devastating to the commercial industry and it would be a huge hit to the recreational fishing industry, and if over-fishing is an issue it can be regulated by other measures like bag and size limits, gears restrictions and so on without locking up vast areas and locking people out," Mr Thurlow said.
    "We'd be prepared as Ecofishers to sit down with Minister Garrett again during the consultation process and broach our views of the social and economic impacts of his likely lock up of vast areas of Commonwealth waters," he said.
    "There is no scientific reason to exclude family recreational fishing from any of them," Mr Thurlow said.
    The New South Wales Nature Conservation Council says most anglers would not even notice if more no take zones were established in Commonwealth waters off the north coast.
    Spokesman Ben Birt says he can understand anglers' concerns but any no-go zones would be well out to sea.
    "What's being talked about here is areas outside of three nautical miles from the coast, so between three and 200 nautical miles, the Commonwealth jurisdiction," Mr Birt said.
    "Now, the vast majority of recreational fishers never go out that far so most people simply won't be affected by this move," he said.

    Tags: endangered-and-protected-species, environmental-management, lifestyle-and-leisure, biological-diversity, environmental-policy, tweed-heads-2485, yamba-2464
    First posted March 26, 2010 08:00:00

    var addthis_pub = "ABC";var site = "northcoast";

  14. #14
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Garrett Press Release

    The New South Wales Nature Conservation Council says most anglers would not even notice if more no take zones were established in Commonwealth waters off the north coast.
    Spokesman Ben Birt says he can understand anglers' concerns but any no-go zones would be well out to sea.
    "What's being talked about here is areas outside of three nautical miles from the coast, so between three and 200 nautical miles, the Commonwealth jurisdiction," Mr Birt said.

    What a complete f@#$ing idiot!

  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Garrett Press Release

    Quote Originally Posted by pickenshovel View Post
    <SNIP> any no-go zones would be well out to sea.
    "What's being talked about here is areas outside of three nautical miles
    "Now, the vast majority of recreational fishers never go out that far
    I wouldn't call 3 nautical miles "well out to sea" and I've only got a 4.55 metre centre console boat.

    As for 'the vast majority never go out that far'... well maybe if you count the people who fish inland and the people who fish in bays but if they were to look at people who launch from seaside towns without substantial bays and harbours up and down the east coast the picture would look very different.

    Either way I strongly suspect this argument isn't about logic or facts, it's a group of idiologs pushing their particular barrow because they don't like fishing (in a similar way they locked 4 wheel drives out of most forest areas and restricted hunting in Australia).

    This isn't anything new, we are just the latest target of these (mostly) city based extreme greens.
    | Savage Kestral with Evinrude 9.9 --> Stacer 3.9 with Yamaha 15 --> Polycraft 4.55 CC with Honda 50 --> Ally Craft Reel Mate 4.25 with Yamaha 3 cylinder 30 horse --> Hmmm what next? |

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