Originally Posted by
John L
It's called being responsible. Do you as a gun owner leave you guns lying around where the kids can get them? Of course not.
I am not suggesting that someone who is irresponsible, senile or incapable of rational thought have acces to mace.
But a similar licence system to a gun licence where responsible people have a choice.
If you feel that you wouldn't be responsible enough to handle a can of [non lethal] mace I would sincerely suggest that you hand in your guns now in the interests of public safety.
All elderly, women, sick, etc are not hopeless and helpless, they just do not have the physical capabilities to defend themselves.
well John..if you think that mace should be licensed similar to guns then the elderly and sick etc won't be able to get it.
Perhaps you should read the Qld rules pertaining to gun licenses, a couple of excerpts for you:
"Who can apply:
Be a fit and proper person "
and then,
"However, in determining a person’s “fit and proper” status for the issue, renewal, suspension or revocation of a licence an Authorised Officer must also consider:
i) the mental and physical fitness of the person; and"
kinda leaves out a lot of the handicapped and ill etc.
As for my views on self defence..I have never worried about it. I have never had any need for a firearm and never had any need for any other form of self defence.
You talk about bashings and muggings etc as if it happens on every street corner..hardly the reality. More sensationalism.
Did you also know that mace can have very little effect on people who are under the influence of grog or drugs..or are you referring to pepper spray which in some instances can be lethal?