Seawind if you head north when you leave the bar not sure exactly how far about 10 klm or something grab a chart there is inner middle and outer rock which can be worth having a fish on. We have caught some good trevally and reefy's there and i a preety good spot for mackerall. If you fish the creeks you are better of going out the bar and then head back into the beach and follow it along there is four creeks i think all up which fish better than the main one. Carefull on the crabbing in one it use to be no crabbing in on of them not sure it has been a while. Also there is plenty of reef if you leave the bar and just keep going straight out keep an eye on the sounder. Stop in at the tackle shop on the way in i am sure the guy in there is very helpful might be able to give you a few starter marks. In failing that head to fitzroy or musgrave but it is a bit of a hike there is reef everywhere out there shouldn't go to far wrong.