i put a post in m&g earlier in the week to see if any1 was headin out for a fish on the weekend,i stated that if it wa blowin 20knts or less would thak some pots to green,woke up yesterday and seabreeze was showing 15-20knts so i hooked up the boat and headed to green to set my pots for the night,got to the ramp and supriseno other trailors there,so headed out to green in bout 3/4mtr swell and i'd say 20knts, put 1 pot on the 1st beacon ,1 on the next beacon and then another bout 3/4 the way down the island,had 1 pot left so took it to my spot x,when i got to my spot x it was a solid 1.2mtr swell,went back this morning to pull them out,in the 1st pot at green i only got 1 keeper, 2nd pot i got 2 ,3rd pot i got 5 keepers
,so headed to my spot x and pulled the pot there i got 5 keepers out of it,in this pot i got the 4 biggest crabs i got today,not heaps of crabs but 13 out of 4 pots is ok,so i would say the crabs have hit the back of green,atleast there finally showing up this side of the bay,note there is only 12 crabs in the pics as i didn't include a moffidite crab as they look like a female but arn't and we all know what ppl on this site are like,they love to pick reports to pieces,
cheers rosco
p.s used mullet frames and crab n gear pots top lift model,unreal 5 second setup