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Thread: Paradise dam fish kill

  1. #1

    Paradise dam fish kill

    just heard about 200 fish caught in a fisheries fish trap to study them at Paradise Dam after the big rains have died more fish than they thought would be caught


  2. #2

    Re: Paradise dam fish kill

    What sort of fish were they Shane? If fish were stuck in the trap & not able to move to find more oxygenated water that may have been the course. Their would be a lot of rotting vegetation around at the moment sucking a lot of oxygen out of the water.

    Cheers Andrew

  3. #3

    Re: Paradise dam fish kill

    Hi Andrew they news did not give the type of fish but said fisheries did not expect to catch as many in the trap as they did it was located on the upstream fishway to monitor how many use it


  4. #4

    Re: Paradise dam fish kill

    Quote Originally Posted by robersl View Post
    Hi Andrew they news did not give the type of fish but said fisheries did not expect to catch as many in the trap as they did it was located on the upstream fishway to monitor how many use it

    200 less now!

    They are probably easier to study when they are not flapping around

    Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.
    The Rest is just Wasted!
    To The Shed.............

  5. #5

    Re: Paradise dam fish kill

    Eel tailed catfish I understand.

    Someone more closely associated with the activity can probably fill in a bit more detail.


  6. #6

    Re: Paradise dam fish kill

    No not eel tail catfish Buggy, 99% were fork tail catfish with a few boney bream and golden perch. Unfortunateley the gantry and hoist supplied by Sunwater were not up to spec and unable to lift the trap and fish to where they could be removed before they expired.
    It is unfortunate when these things happen, but overall the knowledge gained on fish movement and how and when they they use fishways will far out weigh the loss of these fish.

  7. #7

    Re: Paradise dam fish kill

    Have they started to stock Paradise ??

  8. #8

    Re: Paradise dam fish kill

    Sorry Steve,

    It was hard to hear you on the phone.

    Me bad

  9. #9

    Re: Paradise dam fish kill

    thats how the japs study whales isn't it?
    only they do it on purpose..then eat the evidence!!!

  10. #10

    Re: Paradise dam fish kill

    Quote Originally Posted by gunna View Post
    Have they started to stock Paradise ??
    No but the river upstream as well as the dams upstream have been stocked for years with Bass, Yellows, Silvers & Barra.

  11. #11

    Re: Paradise dam fish kill

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Delisser View Post
    No but the river upstream as well as the dams upstream have been stocked for years with Bass, Yellows, Silvers & Barra.
    And a few Toga as well.

  12. #12

    Re: Paradise dam fish kill

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew M View Post
    What sort of fish were they Shane?

    Cheers Andrew
    DEAD FISH (sorry couldn't help myself )

    Quote Originally Posted by bugman View Post
    Eel tailed catfish I understand.

    Someone more closely associated with the activity can probably fill in a bit more detail.

    Ah well, cat fish you say. In that case reset the pot

    Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.
    The Rest is just Wasted!
    To The Shed.............

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