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Thread: Well they are close to full, now a cyclone?

  1. #31

    Re: Well they are close to full, now a cyclone?

    Regarding Leslie dam, did you know they are releasing water for the irrigators downstream. the Northbranch on the Condermine River around brookstead has been running for the past 2 weeks now. Check out the river hights on the BOM site. I suppose, that is what the dam was built for, irrigation downstream.

  2. #32

    Re: Well they are close to full, now a cyclone?

    Quote Originally Posted by hkconc View Post
    Regarding Leslie dam, did you know they are releasing water for the irrigators downstream. the Northbranch on the Condermine River around brookstead has been running for the past 2 weeks now. Check out the river hights on the BOM site. I suppose, that is what the dam was built for, irrigation downstream.
    Yep, I knew that. It's why it was built. For the irrigators not for town supply.
    Connolly is for the town and she's chockers virtually.

    But it would be nice to see the water up to the boat ramps.
    I've been here since '93 and the water has never been above 14% if the old memory serves me okky dokkily.

    That reminds me...a kids fishing day at Connelly on the 28th....
    I intend on living far so good

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