The boat we're about to purchase for the rellies has a Lowrance colour sounder fitted - the x107 model. It's currently not working.
The current owner says he's had issues with it in the past where it would power-up by itself overnight and he has also mentioned the common moisture issue which plague's lowrance sounders (I have a lowrance 757 and know where he is coming from).
Anyway to save the power up by itself issue he's removed the fuse. When we went for a look last weekend he put the fuse back in but she now won't power up at all. He's had a further look this week and still no go.
So anyone had one of these units (apparantly they were known for quite a few faults), anyone rectified this problem before?
I'm thinking pull it out and start again but I thought I'd check as there may be a simple solution.
Also does anyone have the contact for Navico/Lowrance so I can run the issues past a tech from there end?
Thanks in advance