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Thread: fishing the border rivers

  1. #31
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: fishing the border rivers

    The advent of Sportfishing is quite recent in the history of fishing I would think. As to all those fishos who love to go fishing to catcha feed of fish to eat, I'm wondering where and who decided that this is now somehow macho or "Feel the big man" ??? To eat a fillet of fish makes some people feel the big man? Must be real small people who get an ego boost from that!
    What kind of weird assessment is that? Don't forget that everything you eat was once alive !
    And whats this nonsense about loving your natives? Mate if you really love them get in the water when its clear and watch them happily existing, instead of tempting them with false food so you can drive sharp hooks thru their mouth and gills to enjoy subjugating them( for sport only) just for your pleasure and then release them with great feelings of love for them.
    Jeez mate you make me laugh!
    Anyway, if your not a fish eater youre probably and a cow eater anyway LOL. Poor old cows. We don't look down our nose at the graziers who are really restockers so they can round up cows for us to eat?? I think restocking our rivers is fantastic as it allows you and I to both catch and eat fish.

    Really bud all I am sayin in all this is don't be so judgemental of old mate and others who enjoy a good feed of fish a couple of times a year. I think your frustration at those who maul the rivers is justifiable, but I think you take it out on the wrong people, Lets all enjoy the journey


  2. #32

    Re: fishing the border rivers

    like the law says, anything over .05 and your charged with drunk driving. If your under that, you dont get charged. Same rules apply with set lines, 4 per serson. Untill the law is changed, suck in in princess!

  3. #33
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: fishing the border rivers

    Quote Originally Posted by hkconc View Post
    like the law says, anything over .05 and your charged with drunk driving. If your under that, you dont get charged. Same rules apply with set lines, 4 per serson. Untill the law is changed, suck in in princess!
    Hey hkonc I'm really jealous of you guys at the moment , Hearing about your planned trip camping and fishing. Im up in Cairns but I grew up on the Condamine as you know. The smell of a camp fire on the river bank is something I really miss about my home country.
    I hope to be down at least once this winter and get out with my brother and do a trip down below Condamine.

    As for eating fish I really love a feed of yellowbelly, and a nice cod is delicious too.
    I grew up on them. My mum still cooks them the way we ate them as kids.

    Lot of good memories. Bit nostalgic up her in the tropics

  4. #34

    Re: fishing the border rivers

    yer mate, I recon the best way to cook them is to roll them in flour and deep fry them in lard or dripping. I still recon the old slimmy jew taste the best this way also. Fillit the best off and even the frames are eatable this way.
    The rivers still need a good flush out on the darling downs. Another 100mm would do just nicelly. I still recon the fish out of the dumesque taste better than the fish out of the condermine.


  5. #35

    Re: fishing the border rivers

    for the record i kill and eat plenty of fish,
    just dont bother with shit eating fish outa small creeks,

    prefer to eat the good ones, trout, emporer, snapper and the like,
    but then there are those who cant afford and need to hang lines all along the river,

    case closed, im above this BS


  6. #36
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: fishing the border rivers

    Quote Originally Posted by yellahunter View Post
    for the record i kill and eat plenty of fish,
    just dont bother with shit eating fish outa small creeks,

    prefer to eat the good ones, trout, emporer, snapper and the like,
    but then there are those who cant afford and need to hang lines all along the river,

    case closed, im above this BS
    Good man!

  7. #37
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: fishing the border rivers

    Hey HkConc Do you think the dumesque is generally clearer than the Condamine?
    Just wondering if that could explain the difference in the taste test.

  8. #38
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: fishing the border rivers


    for the record i kill and eat plenty of fish,
    just dont bother with shit eating fish outa small creeks,

    prefer to eat the good ones, trout, emporer, snapper and the like,
    but then there are those who cant afford and need to hang lines all along the river,

    case closed, im above this BS

    get really annoyed with this type of attitude.I would take a nice fresh yellowbelly,( yes fresh fish) over smelly old reef fish that you get in the shops out here anyday it is alright for you to go on with your BS but not everyone lives on the coast and by the way my prefered way of fishing is one rod with lure and also have a rule release the river cod, keep a feed from the stocked impoundments.
    cheers rossco

  9. #39

    Re: fishing the border rivers

    the whole reason i got my back up was beacause people are talking about set lines and pulling in swags of fish for the table from border rivers.

    there are plenty of dams around the place where fish can be taken in good numbers, i guess one or two fish from the small river every now and then are ok, but when theres talk of 20 set lines and 15 fish getting pulled out of a 200m waterhole i cant help but get angry,

    ive spent a bit of time fishing the rivers down that way and unfortunately only get fish in a few spots these days, spots that are offlimits to setlining cowboys.
    the reality is that most travelling sport fishos who drive down to the border rivers will never catch a cod or yella as they are basically creeks and cant cop getting raped over and over.


  10. #40

    Re: fishing the border rivers

    yer odes, the rivers around texas have sandy & gravelly bottoms. The water is cyrstal clear most of the time. The condermine is generally muddy waters. These fish tend to taste a bit muddy.
    I have lived at texas for a few years, and noticed this immeadiatlly when moving to pittsworth and started eating yellas from the comdermine.
    Yellas from the dams even taste a bit weedy compared to the border rivers fish. The dam fish tend to have a lot more fat on them also.
    Ask anyone that lives and fish these rivers.
    Still good eating thou for us poor people.

  11. #41
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: fishing the border rivers

    Attitudes have changed for the better out in the western town, I know of very few people that abuse the fishing now days yes they still fish for a feed but only take what they need thankfully. with the other small minority the better way is to try to educate them not attack them and you will see better results.

    cheers rossco

  12. #42
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Re: fishing the border rivers

    Thats real interesting and I believe youre right in youe analisis. Something else I want to add.
    My experience about fishing methods on these rivers is that growing up down there as a kid just about everybody used set lines. But when I started using lures and then more particularly celta spinners or the like we caught way more fish including cod in this manner.
    My personal experience is that fish were more suceptable to this than setlines.

    Just another reason for me to reject the rant against all who use setlines. You know also I don't ever recall pulling in any lines back then which had dead fish etc
    Just interesting thoughts.

  13. #43
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    Re: fishing the border rivers

    has anyone fished the Dumaresq past 12 months?

  14. #44

    Re: fishing the border rivers

    Yeah, theres the odd one of these left in some holes.
    jhy dolly2 041 (Medium).jpg

    But as I said in a previous post, you never see lure fishos doing this to the local wildlife at bonshaw.
    jhy dolly2 037 (Small).jpgjhy dolly2 037 (Small).jpg

    cheers, steve

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