not you in that pic is it pretzil? lol
but on a serious note look up the navman N60i. best ever invention![]()
Going 20ks UNDER the limit? Doubt it was me
Nice GPS tho, bet it wasnt cheap, wish I had it tonight when some idiot in a van turned right on a roundabout, cutting me off, without indicating and while on the phone
yeah ya not wrong! its 3 years old now! expensive for the time! but there are a few on ebay evey now and then! best thing i ever bought!
only thing is night pics aint that good!
Just for the record I dont drive on the shoulder.
How often do you see a motobike rider driving down the highway with thongs, shorts and a singlet on. They are the statistics.
I have had 3 accidents now, one I cant remember (police said I was hit from behind, no driver stopped, no witness), the other 2 were not my fault. Now I am about as cautious as they come. I am second guessing every move you make before you are even thinking about it. I reckon I might be just a little more aware on the road than most drivers, my life depends on it.
Well boys I used to think I had things to bitch about with crap drivers in Oz, but as the saying goes "you aen't seen nothin yet' ...."
I've been based back in Dubai now since June last year. The main arterial through the outskirts of Dubai is the Emirates Road ..... 8 lanes either side of some of the best highway you will ever get anywhere. I'm pretty sure that's because of the lack of rain like in Oz ....
The highways are generally speed rated at 120K's and even have there own radars every couple of k's.
Everyone knows the radars although being there are set for those travelling at better than 140K's and above. The later part of Emirates Road is good for up to 155K's before those radars down towards Abu Dhabi activate.
So now lets throw some stupidity into the pot!!
Some of the local cowboys decide to see what there cars will do in between each radar and so constantly are either accelerating or braking. (Both expats and locals)
In between if you are in the outer lane, they'll sit about a foot off your bum and constantly flash their lights until you move over ... I don't just to give them the S*its.
Blinkers.... no forget them, they are only there ever as an accessory. Brothers from the subcontinent drive almost atop the broken line between each of the lanes obviously living in ever constant fear that you may overtake them (albeit that you are legally in your own lane)
Cheers and safe driving !!!
The cook was peeved during the rain.
She had the beemer serviced before the rain and had new wiper blades installed.
The buggers fell of the first day of her new job.
They were the wrong ones put on...She had to stop every 5-10 minutes to put the drivers side back on. Not too good considering the hour the rain.
Pi$$ed off would be a better description I suppose because she was pretty cranky when she got home AND.....somehow it got to be MY fault.
Anyways...a trip to superduper cheep and jobs done.
It's great here. All the shops are within 5 minutes the most
As a side note...I've never had an accident on motor bikes.
I used to ride to Uni everyday and for some reason everyone got out of my way. Honest...people used to change lanes when I came up behind them.
It might have something to do with the bike and clobber I wore.
White BMW and I had a blue coat and white BMW flip helmet....and I'm a fatso.
Even when I did the 1/2 circuit of Aus (Darwin and back via Adelaide) the only thing that 'upset' me was a huge wedgetailed eagle in the Northern Territory. The bugger knocked off the RHS lower fairings. Made it cooler though![]()
I intend on living far so good
I only ever came off the bike once..was being an idiot..Kwakka 500 2 stroke...flogging the butt off it...chain snapped and went into the spokes of the back wheel..amazing how fast it locked that wheel up and sent me for a slide down the road..and hell that bitumen is hard when it is burning through the butt of your jeans.
In car GPS..ban em now..too many staring at the pretty pictures than concentrating on the road.
2 of the three accidents I had were only minor, more or less involved me falling of the bike when almost stopped. One was a car pulling out of a side street on me, lucky I was stopped to pull into that same side street. Second was car turning into side street in traffic. I was in kerbside lane, traffic moving slowly. Car in right lane decided to stop to let a woman turn into the sidestreet, she did not see me and I went for a ride across her bonnet.
I should mention the funniest (not so at the time incident I had on a bike)
Corner of Gympie Road and Rode Road...Yamaha 650 Special..stopped at the lights..left foot on the road..just enjoying being out on the thing..WHACK....pain in the left leg and over I go onto the road. A bloody collie ran from the footpath and out onto the road and latched onto the back of my left leg. The bloody thing had come up from behind me so I did not see it nor was i expecting and the bike on the road..bloody dog.
Two things for me - people who come out on to the highway in front of me and don't allow nearly enough time so I have to brake sharply, then they speed up again. Also, I hate being second at a red light and the driver in front of me only bothers to put their right blinker on when the light goes green. I'm then stuck with them while the oncoming traffic goes by!!! Must be getting old.
Sorry pinhead, still applies and I don't think you know what you are saying.
Have Fun Haji-Baba