hi fishos
got the day off work wednesday 10/2 so 3o clock off fishing in the bay to try and catch my first mackeral get to the ramp at wts is head out to the m mile
sound around for bait fish none around close to the pileon so head to the m8 there were birds workings schools of fish tryed to get up wind from them
and toss slags at them but they always went down got to the m8 drifted around the m8 casting slugs and letting then hit the botton then ripping then back i think 2/3 cast hooked up to what was a good fish but bang gooone bast...d next cast ripped it in to find no slag didnt even feel that bast...d i said to my self so no slags left started burleying with rjays two rods went out with pillards on one on top one near the botton but on takers there 3hs mybe the braid spooked them might have to try momo , on the way back to the m mile found nise big bait ball so fished some soft plactic around the the bait for a hour on takers next stop m mile but a few boats around that so didnt wont to barge in down to the next pile fished that with the pillie and plactics no gos so home the go. so were they mac that bit me off?. the slug was the romie mule slag i bought from a bait shop in 'wynum, did the braid put the mac off . comments please regards robo