Whilst up in Cairns visiting a mate (Barry) in Cairns last week, I was lucky enough to be invited to visit Ross and Margaret Digman along with Barry at their property bordering on the Tully River.
Ross had been fishing the previous day and reported that things were a bit quiet with no Barra caught (although from memory I think they got a sooty or two)
Here's another recent catch Ross made in the river - Banana bags, it's a shame that the cleanup is left to concientious people like Ross, it would be nice if perhaps the growers could organise a cleanup of the river each season.
Here we are heading of to Ross' personal boat ramp, travelling in style behind the 4wd tractor (wouldn't mind one of those!)
The trip to the ramp in itself was a fun adventure, with a bit of everything, travelling through the cane fields, along the highway, and through a bit of rainforest to get to the ramp.
Here we're about to launch, you probably would get in a world of trouble here in a standard 4wd, but the tractor made easy work of it
Away we go heading upstream
We fished a couple of spots with no result, and then Ross took us further upstream. The Tully is a beautifull river and I loved the experience of being on it, crystal clear fast flowing water, and plenty of wildlife. Here's a Croc slide Ross pointed out on the way, Ross showed me some photos of a few of the Crocs he's seen in the River and in lagoons he's built on his property, there's some thumpers in there - Hard to believe some tourist operators still tell people salties don't go in the fresh!