Did anybody see the piece Seven news did on coomera on Tuesday nite?
Nearly every older style pontoon had broke its moorings and washed up a mile down the river. I mean every single pontoon on the whole river.....the only ones that survived were the heavy concrete pylon style.
A cruiser broke its moorings and got stuck under the M1 bridge and smashed to pieces.
The canals in Hope Island resort are so thick with debris that the ducks couldnt swim in in it. They were strugglig to fly out of it. You could literally walk on water there.
Several houseboats went floating out to the Broadwater.
Worst of all, a shipping container full of garden tools, went floating down the river, and smashed into all the boats around Riviera at Hope Island. They say the insurance companies are very keen to find out who owned the container..... (yeah I bet they are).
Longshift, would you know anything about a container full of garden tools, ha ha.....Im sure Ive seen that container somewhere up your way.
I reckon the river will take about 6-8 weeks to recover. This would be the biggest flood in Coomera in 20 years. Looks like the catchment areas upstream just got a bucketing.